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  • Category: Autos and Vehicles
  • Country: United Kingdom

YachtBuyer - The Home of Unbiased & In-Depth Reviews of Boats and Superyachts Our Reviews Director and Chief Boat Tester, Jack Haines, has tested 100s of boats and is one of the most experienced in the business. We test everything from 10m sportsboats to 40m superyachts so no matter what you are in the market for, YachtBuyer delivers reviews you can trust. The YachtBuyer website (coming soon) will make finding the right yacht an enjoyable and empowering experience. By delivering all the information you need on a yacht builder, range, model and the overall marketplace, you can make informed decisions and ensure the yacht you are looking at suits your lifestyle and needs. Jack Haines Jack is a writer, editor and presenter with over 15 years’ experience testing over 375 motorboats of all shapes and sizes, from 20ft RIBs to 120ft yachts.

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YachtBuyer gets 323.2K views per episode on average. YachtBuyer has published 368 videos.
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YachtBuyer belongs to the Autos and Vehicles category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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