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  • Category: People and Blogs
  • Country: United Kingdom

Dear friend, this is my second channel. The main purpose of this channel is to build a friendly relationship with my viewers through this channel and keep helping everyone. Dear Friend, since you took the time to read it, I suggest you will subscribe and be my friend. We are an interracial couple, My wife is from Romania, and I am from Bangladesh. There will be allotted to talk about us, but before we do, then I want to know about my audience friends so let's start the chat in the comments. I will try to make videos which are helpful, fun and educational. See you on the channel ;) Our Facebook Page to keep in touch and much more than just video:

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How many subscribers does Xobaer have?
Xobaer has 1.7M subscribers. Xobaer has had 770.8M total views.
How many views does Xobaer get per video?
Xobaer gets 808.8K views per episode on average. Xobaer has published 953 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Xobaer YouTube channel?
You can visit the Xobaer YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Xobaer mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Xobaer belong to?
Xobaer belongs to the People and Blogs category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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