Our mission is to end extreme poverty and boost prosperity on a livable planet. With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries. Learn more by watching our videos! We publish videos mainly in ENGLISH, but also in العربية, FRANÇAIS, and ESPAÑOL.
For Arcelia, chocolate is more than just a treat; it's a way of life and a vehicle for positive change. In this episode of Talking Development, World Bank Managing Director Anna Bjerde shares the inspiring story of Arcelia Gallardo, founder of Mission Chocolate in São Paulo, Brazil. Discover how her innovative approach to chocolate-making goes beyond crafting award-winning flavors to empower indigenous women, support local cacao farmers, and promote sustainable practices, all while making a lasting impact on both people and the planet. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/7vWc50UZNf2 #sustainableagriculture #chocolatemaking
00:00 Introduction
01:07 Arcelia's Journey and Mission Chocolate philosophy
03:13 Empowering indigenous women and communities
04:46 Sustainable practices in chocolate production
07:03 The World Bank Group's role in sustainable cocoa initiatives
Watch more episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLopq6yGfmFAuysPBAOY9nQMhDi1u-0zeP
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
Foreign direct investment (FDI) has long been a driver of prosperity in developing nations but has slowed in recent years, with an FDI-to-GDP ratio of just 1.7% from 2019 to 2023, the lowest in decades. Two emerging trends—friend-shoring and near-shoring—are reshaping FDI flows, prioritizing geopolitical alignment and proximity. A new report from the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency @MIGAWorldBank, home to the World Bank Group’s new Guarantee Platform, shed light on how emerging markets and developing economies may face challenges—or seize opportunities—in this evolving landscape.
Discover how these shifts are redefining FDI and their potential impact on global economic integration: miga.org/resources #globalinvestments #emergingmarkets
Get ready for Transforming Transportation 2025, the top global forum for addressing global transport challenges. At the 22nd edition of the conference, attendees will have the opportunity to develop the skills and policies needed to move from transport planning to implementating safe, equitable, resilient and inclusive transportation systems. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/yj5p50UOQ4K
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
¿Por qué el Banco Mundial tiene fondos fiduciarios? Estos son asociaciones que reúnen recursos para abordar desafíos globales como el acceso a la energía, la recuperación de desastres y la protección de los océanos. ¡Mira el último episodio de nuestra serie https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLopq6yGfmFAuKq1XGfeaM_QIMJdgcLVY7
ACERCA DEL BANCO MUNDIAL 🌐 El Banco Mundial, una de las fuentes más importantes de financiamiento y conocimiento para los países en desarrollo, está integrado por cinco instituciones que se han comprometido a reducir la pobreza, aumentar la prosperidad compartida y promover el desarrollo sostenible en un planeta habitable. https://www.bancomundial.org/
Quand vous entendez le terme “fiduciaire”, à quoi pensez-vous ? À un placement pour les personnes fortunées ou à un outil financier spécialisé dédié aux défis du développement ? Les fonds fiduciaires de la Banque mondiale sont essentiellement une forme de partenariat. Ils permettent d’agir rapidement, de réduire le coût des emprunts et de financer des solutions innovantes. Découvrez comment ils soutiennent le développement dans cet épisode de notre série https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLopq6yGfmFAu0Vc_-ItzOMNhAB15Qly5V
À PROPOS DE LA BANQUE MONDIALE 🌐 La Banque mondiale est l'une des plus importantes sources mondiales de financement et de connaissances pour les pays à faible revenu. Ses cinq institutions partagent un engagement commun à réduire la pauvreté, à accroître la prospérité partagée et à promouvoir le développement durable. http://www.banquemondiale.org
Explore the transformative power of the World Bank Group’s International Development Association (IDA) and discover how a simple choice to engage with different cultures can lead to meaningful development work and a deeper understanding of the world. Aki Nishio, World Bank Vice President for Development Finance, and development career veteran of over 30 years, shares his path in global development, highlighting the belief that no country should give up on its journey toward a better future. See how his personal journey eventually took him to his professional calling and learn why helping one another is key to making a lasting impact. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/3O9V50UTuoZ
💬 Subtitles (CC) available in English, French
00:00 A life-changing decision to study abroad
01:04 IDA is the epitome of global diversity
02:07 The IDA21 Replenishment
04:09 Cultural diversity leads to a development career
Watch related videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A79B12D02618711
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
Le pouvoir transformateur de l’Association internationale de développement (IDA)
Découvrez comment le choix de partir étudier ailleurs et de s’immerger dans une autre culture peut conduire à une meilleure compréhension du monde et à une carrière qui a du sens dans le développement international. C’est l’histoire d’Aki Nishio, vice-président de la Banque mondiale pour le Financement du développement. Avec à son actif plus de 30 ans d'expérience, Aki Nishio revient sur son parcours personnel et la naissance de sa vocation professionnelle. Convaincu qu’aucun pays ne doit jamais renoncer à ses efforts vers un avenir meilleur, il souligne combien l’entraide est importante pour obtenir un impact durable. Une entraide au cœur du travail de l’Association internationale de développement (IDA) et de son pouvoir transformateur. En savoir plus : http://wrld.bg/3O9V50UTuoZ
À PROPOS DE LA BANQUE MONDIALE 🌐 La Banque mondiale est l'une des plus importantes sources mondiales de financement et de connaissances pour les pays à faible revenu. Ses cinq institutions partagent un engagement commun à réduire la pauvreté, à accroître la prospérité partagée et à promouvoir le développement durable. http://www.banquemondiale.org
Development professionals, private sector leaders, and academics recently spoke about why the International Development Association (IDA)—the World Bank's fund for 77 low-income countries—works. And why investing in IDA means investing in the futures of people everywhere. Hear from: Izumi Ohno, Adjunct Professor and Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean and CEO, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI); Mariko Kinai, National Director, World Vision Japan; Ken Shibusawa, CEO, Shibusawa and Company; Keiichi Shirato, Professor, Ritsumeikan University; Hiroki Uematsu, Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/3O9V50UTuoZ
00:00 Izumi Ohno discusses IDA's strengths
01:19 Tetsushi Sonobe on IDA's ability to amplify impact
02:31 Mariko Kinai on IDA's investments in children
03:47 Ken Shibusawa on IDA and private sector financing
04:38 Keiichi Shirato champions global solidarity
05:21 Hiroki Uematsu on the World Bank Group's open data
Watch related videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6A79B12D02618711
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
In this episode of Talking Development from the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit, World Bank Managing Director Anna Bjerde sits down with Lyndsay Holley Handler, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Delta40 Venture Studio. Together, they explore innovative approaches to addressing Africa’s energy access challenges, supporting entrepreneurs, creating jobs, and empowering women across the continent. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/kss150TtmNj
00:00 Introduction
00:55 Market opportunities and companies
02:05 Job creation and entrepreneurship
03:22 Delta40: Empowering women
04:23 Mission 300
05:26 Unlocking private sector potential
06:36 Ideas to support development goals
Watch more episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLopq6yGfmFAuysPBAOY9nQMhDi1u-0zeP
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
Le Sommet africain de l’énergie Mission 300, qui se tiendra à Dar es-Salaam, en Tanzanie, les 27 et 28 janvier 2025, réunira des leaders de différents horizons en vue d’accélérer l’accès à l’électricité pour 300 millions de personnes en Afrique d’ici à 2030. Organisé par le gouvernement de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, l’Union africaine, la Banque africaine de développement et le Groupe de la Banque mondiale, le Sommet a pour objectif de stimuler les réformes, de mobiliser des financements et de constituer des partenariats pour la transformation énergétique de l’Afrique. http://wrld.bg/mn0Q50UBsQy
00:00 Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, président de la Banque africaine de développement
08:40 Ajay Banga, président du Groupe de la Banque mondiale
16:51 Dr. Rajiv Shah, président de la Fondation Rockefeller
23:41 S.E. Mukhtar Babayev, président de la COP29
29:22 Amina Mohammed, vice-secrétaire générale des Nations Unies et présidente du Groupe de développement durable de l'ONU
Regardez plus de sessions https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLopq6yGfmFAvClvwL-wOGU6RQnJe6XH5X
À PROPOS DE LA BANQUE MONDIALE 🌐 La Banque mondiale est l'une des plus importantes sources mondiales de financement et de connaissances pour les pays à faible revenu. Ses cinq institutions partagent un engagement commun à réduire la pauvreté, à accroître la prospérité partagée et à promouvoir le développement durable. http://www.banquemondiale.org
In Nepal, road connectivity is a critical challenge posed by its diverse geo-climatic systems and terrains. Nepal’s physical and economic integration is reliant on over 2000 bridges along the Strategic Road Network that enable year-round connectivity between its seven provinces. Through the World Bank Group’s International Development Organization (IDA) financing, the World Bank supported the Government of Nepal in the maintenance, road safety upgrades and construction of bridges along the Strategic Road Network through the Bridges Improvement and Maintenance Program. Learn more: http://wrld.bg/9cvB50UMMjf
💬 Subtitles (CC) available in English, Nepali
00:00 Nepal’s Strategic Road Network: Bridges facilitate trade and transit
01:27 Bridges Improvement and Maintenance Program
02:47 Innovation and technological advancement
03:25 Supporting institutional capacity and GBV interventions
04:12 GRID approach for sustainable infrastructure development
ABOUT THE WORLD BANK 🌐 The World Bank is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development on a livable planet. http://www.worldbank.org
नेपालको रणनीतिक सडक सञ्जालमा अवसरहरूको पूल निर्माण
नेपालमा, सडक सम्पर्क यसको विविध भू-जलवायु प्रणाली र भू-भागले खडा गरेको एक महत्वपूर्ण चुनौती हो।
नेपालको भौतिक र आर्थिक विकास रणनीतिक सडक सञ्जालमा रहेका २००० भन्दा बढी पुलहरूमा निर्भर छ जसले यसका सात प्रदेशहरू बीच वर्षभरि सम्पर्कलाई सक्षम बनाउँछ। विश्व बैंक समूहको अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विकास संगठन (IDA) को वित्तपोषण मार्फत, विश्व बैंकले पुल सुधार र मर्मत कार्यक्रम मार्फत रणनीतिक सडक सञ्जालमा मर्मतसम्भार, सडक सुरक्षा स्तरोन्नति र पुलहरूको निर्माणमा नेपाल सरकारलाई सहयोग गरेको छ।
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