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Sign UpThere's a frustrating drill size gap between 1/2" and 5/8" for typical drill bit sets, and my quest to get in between sized drills to fill this gap.
Its always easier to cut side grain, and if the router bit is drilling (plunging) the end is cutting side grain, which should be an easier operation than dragging it sideways through the material. So I set up my CNC router to mill that way to try it out.
My gear program: https://woodgears.ca/gear
DMM servos: https://dmm-tech.com/
Starting with a big old corkboard taken out of an old univesity office, and turning it into two smaller ones for the kids, making the new frames out of bits of the massive old frame.
Having obtained a bunch of linear rails, ball screws and servo motors, I figured I might as well try to build a CNC router out of it. I'm not sold on CNC, but having the parts, I might as well try to build one and see how it goes.
Building a shelf for our preserves in mason jars.
This video inspired by Frank Howarth jar shelf video:
I used to wonder why so many new dressers suck. But its atually deliberate to prvenet tip-over. In the United States, there is the STURDY act that mandates dressers must not tip over if a toddler opens all drawers and climbs up the front. In Canada, we don't have this act, but I think manufacturers are afraid of liability. And so the actual ability of storing stuff (which is what dressers are for) is greatly compromised.
How to update your software so it runs on the latest version of windows without having to install the dot-net 3.5 framework.
More toy builds: https://woodgears.ca/toys
A simple slingshot from plywood and regular rubber bands. But shoots surprisingly hard!
A very simple 3-piece pyramid burr puzzle that is surprisingly counter intuitive to reassemble.
Making this puzzles so it fits properly requires precision. First just gluing it straight up, then another reinforced with dowels, with the dowel holes precision drilled on my homemade milling machine.
Drawings of the puzzle here:
I needed a short brad point drill bit, so I started with a regular drill bit and ground a brad point on it with a dremel tool and jig to guide the cutting disk precisely.
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