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Victor Tanzig
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Hello, everyone. Victor Tanzig here and welcome to my channel. Here, I make Thomas the Tank Engine related content, the staple of which is my Stories of Sodor series, which combines elements of TTTE and the criminally-underrated Tugs. There's also the Sodor Shorts, which are just fun little skits that usually involve the characters getting into shenanigans. And finally, there are the Sodor Answers, where I attempt to...answer questions about the TTTE franchise. If you enjoy my work, then consider subscribing. Thank you very much for reading and have a good one ;)

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Victor Tanzig Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Victor Tanzig have?
Victor Tanzig has 83.5K subscribers. Victor Tanzig has had 80.0M total views.
How many views does Victor Tanzig get per video?
Victor Tanzig gets 121.9K views per episode on average. Victor Tanzig has published 656 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Victor Tanzig YouTube channel?
You can visit the Victor Tanzig YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Victor Tanzig mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Victor Tanzig belong to?
Victor Tanzig belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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