Vevo's DSCVR series alerts music fans to the most promising new talent every week of the year. Shot in both the U.S. and UK, our exclusive performances give fans an intimate look at the most vital new artists across a variety of genres. From Sam Smith to Billie Eilish, our alumni have gone on to become some of music's biggest stars. Watch them in action as they begin their careers with DSCVR.
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Introducing Mon Rovîa | Vevo DSCVR
Trust that it will be a long time before you find a more delicate singer-songwriter than Mon Rovîa. With each release of his EP series, ‘The Acts of Mon Rovîa,’ thousands and thousands of listeners have been whisked away by the folk bard’s tales of war, love, and forgiveness. Fans of Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes and Big Thief will be predisposed to the way plucked guitar and quiet vocals build fantastical worlds on tracks such as “Big Love Ahead” and “City On A Hill.” The young man’s personal story, however, adds overwhelming pathos to his artistry. Born in Liberia, Janjay Lowe was adopted by missionaries at the age of seven and moved to America while his country succumbed to civil war. His chosen moniker, in fact, is an iteration of Liberia’s seaside capital city, and a totem to his West African roots. So it makes all the sense in the world that he wants his own music to carve out space for deep reflection. “I hope that people can find that connection and safe space to dive into their feelings and be able to work through things that may have been buried,” he told us on the DSCVR set. With more than 500 thousand followers on both TikTok and Instagram, not to mention two million current monthly Spotify listeners, those hopes are being realized in a big way. Let these performances of “Rust.” and “To Watch The World Spin Without You” provide a moment of thankful meditation in your day.
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Executive Producer: Chris Pereira
Director: Skyler Brown
Director, Line Production: Yanina Molina
Director, Editorial Production: Ronni Leverich
Producer: Stacey Branson
Producer: Gitory Bartell
Director of Photography: Olaa Olabi
Steadicam: Ryan Tousseing
AC: Josh Ruffner
Gaffer: Alex Blum
Key Grip: Gabriel Solorzano
A1: Sam Palumbo
A2: Jeremy Nakamura
Production Assistant: Arthur Joseph
Senior Manager, Post Production: Dominic Siri
Editor: Andrew Ros
Music & Talent: Alexa Balint + David McTiernan
#MonRovîa #Rust #VevoDSCVR
Music video by Mon Rovîa performing Introducing Mon Rovîa | Vevo DSCVR.
Music video by ISAAK performing Happy Tears (Vevo DSCVR).© 2025 Good Kid Records, in cooperation with Polydor x Island Berlin, a divison of Universal Music GmbH
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Vevo Credits:
Director Yomi Ogunsola
Vevo Executive Producer Nick Calafato
Vevo Producer Nancy Loud
Vevo Senior Editor Helen Duque
Vevo Manager, Music & Talent Leah Walterscheid
AD Ismah Ansari
Director of Photography Keith Gubbins
Steadicam Operator Beaumont Pritchard-James
1st AC / Focus Puller Jim Mclean
2nd AC / Loader Evangeline Perkins
Gaffer Giovanni Mattei
Light Operator Ben Mansfield
Stills Amran Abdi (Amzy)
Sound Engineer Alexander Archer
Runner Elizabeth Playle
Runner Samad Olukunle
MUA Sahara Santos
Security Lee Gregory
Introducing Samuraï | Vevo DSCVR
SAMURAÏ, la estrella naciente del pop rock español, es una rockera que canta directo desde el corazón. Rehusada a ceñirse a los estándares de perfección que son esperados de las mujeres en la luz pública, la madrileña se ha dedicado a mostrar cada vez más la vulnerabilidad, el caos, el desenfreno y el delirio de la juventud en la ciudad. Las agallas las puedes escuchar en su colaboración con RENEE, “Mechero”, parte de su EP del 2022, ‘Artillería’, donde ambas declaran que quieren ver el mundo arder tras una relación fallida. Escuchar sus canciones es sentir la adrenalina constante del primer amor, la primera decepción, y aquellas fiestas de las que no recuerdas nada al otro día. Su álbum debut ‘El Silencio del Ruido’ es uno mayormente autobiográfico. Su canción “Quien No Quiera Que No Mire” es un torbellino de furor y determinación, haciendo frente a sus dudas internas y decidiendo seguir el camino de la autenticidad; piensen lo que piensen. Su presentación en vivo en la tarima de DSCVR es alucinante, como si SAMURAÏ hubiera entrado en autopiloto para darnos todo y dejar la piel en el escenario. “Yo creo que nunca decidí ser artista”, dijo en entrevista con Vevo. “Creo que es algo que sabes, que está dentro de ti y que es algo que eres, no algo que quieres ser.” Damos fe de que la española es un talento innato y, nos atrevemos a declarar, que será una de las principales exponentes del rock español. Mira sus sesiones exclusivas en directo desde la tarima de Vevo y baila con nosotros sin parar.
SAMURAÏ is the future of Spanish rock ‘n’ roll. With a punk attitude and Y2K sensibilities, this rocker sings straight from the heart. Refusing to conform to the unrealistic standards expected from women in the spotlight, the Madrid-native has dedicated herself to gradually showing more vulnerability and raw nerve. Check “Mechero,” from her 2023 EP ‘Artillería,’ where, with the help of singer RENEE, she declares that she wants to watch the world burn after a failed relationship. Her stories center the chaos, recklessness, hope and delirium of city youth. To listen to her songs is to feel the adrenaline rush of a first love, the chaos of a party that never ends, and the pain of deceit. Her debut album ‘El Silencio del Ruido’ is a mostly autobiographical work. “Quien No Quiera Que No Mire” is a whirlwind of fury and self-determination, facing her internal doubts head on and following a path that leads to authenticity. Haters need not apply. On our DSCVR stage, it was as if SAMURAÏ had entered autopilot with the sole goal of leaving her guts on the stage. “I think I never decided to be an artist,” she said in our interview. “I think it’s something you know that’s inside you. It’s something that you are, not that you want to be.” This innate talent will lead the Spaniard to the summit and turn her into one of the main voices of her country’s pop rock scene. Check out her exclusive performances from Vevo’s DSCVR stage and dance with abandon. We’re right there with you.
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Director Jim Wilmot
Vevo Executive Producer Nick Calafato
Vevo Producer Yomi Ogunsola
Vevo Producer Nancy Loud
Vevo Senior Editor Helena Duque Avalos
Vevo Post-Production Coordinator Scott Robson
Vevo Senior Music & Talent Manager Chiara Hellquist
Vevo Programming & Editorial Maria Duran Riera
Vevo Design Lead Charlee Twigg
Assistant Director Ismah Ansari
Director of Photography Rick Joaquim
Steadicam Operator Beaumont Pritchard-James
1st AC / Focus Puller Jim McLean
2nd AC / Loader Evangeline Perkins
Gaffer Gio Mattei
Light Operator Josh Mansfield
Stills Amzy Obr
Sound Engineer Alexander Archer
Sound Assistant Matt Facey
Runner Elizabeth Playle
Runner Meron Ayele
#Samuraï #QuienNoQuieraQueNoMire #VevoDSCVR
Music video by Samuraï performing Introducing Samuraï (Vevo DSCVR).© 2025 Universal Music Spain, S.L.U.
Introducing Tz da Coronel | Vevo DSCVR Artists To Watch 2025
Emergindo das batalhas de rima de Cabo Frio, Tz da Coronel está redefinindo o rap brasileiro. Com sua fusão explosiva de rimas de impacto e melodias marcantes, Tz conquistou a atenção de fãs ao redor do mundo. Seu último álbum, ‘Direto da Selva’, quebrou recordes, superando 80 milhões de streams apenas na primeira semana. Agora, nestas apresentações exclusivas, Tz entrega duas de suas faixas mais eletrizantes: "Qual é seu desejo?" com Ryu, o Runner, e a faixa-título do álbum, "Direto da Selva". Assista enquanto Tz solta uma torrente de versos rápidos, combinando lirismo afiado com batidas dinâmicas. Você não precisa falar português para sentir a potente explosão de energia pura e real atravessando a tela. Liricamente, essas músicas poderosas não só destacam sua habilidade técnica, mas também oferecem um vislumbre íntimo de sua jornada, equilibrando temas de luta, ambição e resiliência. Com mais de 2 bilhões de streams nas plataformas, sua influência continua a crescer exponencialmente, tanto no Brasil quanto no cenário global. Como membro da turma do Vevo DSCVR Artists to Watch 2025, Tz da Coronel está consolidando seu lugar entre os talentos mais empolgantes do hip-hop. Sua criatividade destemida, presença imponente e dedicação incansável o consolidaram como um pioneiro no vibrante cenário do rap de seu país, e tudo isso está aqui nesta exibição vívida do estilo ousado e da entrega que alimentam sua ascensão meteórica.
Emerging from the rhyme battles of Cabo Frio, Tz da Coronel is redefining Brazilian rap. With his explosive fusion of hard-hitting rhymes and striking melodies, Tz has captured the attention of fans worldwide. His latest album, ‘Direto da Selva,’ shattered records, surpassing 80 million views in its first week alone. Now, in these exclusive performances, Tz delivers two of his most electrifying tracks: "Qual é seu desejo?" featuring Ryu, the Runner, and the album's title track, "Direto da Selva." Watch as Tz unleashes a torrent of rapid-fire verses, combining razor-sharp lyricism with dynamic beats. You don’t need to speak Portuguese to feel the potent blast of raw and real energy punching through the screen. Lyrically, these powerful songs not only highlight his technical prowess but also offer an intimate glimpse into his journey, balancing themes of struggle, ambition, and resilience. With over 2 billion streams across platforms, his influence continues to grow exponentially, both in Brazil and on the global stage. As a Vevo DSCVR Artists to Watch 2025 class member, Tz da Coronel is cementing his place among the most exciting talents in hip-hop. His fearless creativity, commanding presence, and relentless drive have solidified him as a trailblazer in his home country’s vibrant rap landscape, and it’s all right here in this vivid display of the visionary artistry fueling his meteoric rise.
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Sigue a Somos Vevo:
Executive Producer: Chris Pereira
Executive Producer: Nick Calafato
Director: Chris Chuky
Senior Producer: Yomi Ogunsola
Producer: Nancy Loud
Editor: Kevin Rose
Music & Talent: Elton Ricosa + Naomi Pitt
Director, Editorial: Ronni Leverich
Social Media Senior Manager: Lucia Addona
Programming & Editorial Head: Cristina Bedon
Programming & Editorial: Lead Jaqueline Lockinger
Manager, Design: Brian Parisi
Design: Keith Wright
AD: Ismah Ansari
Director of Photography: Fola Abatan
Steadicam Operator: Gary Kent
1st AC / Focus Puller: Christopher Hayden
2nd AC / Loader: Evangeline Perkins
Gaffer: Giovanni Mattei
Light Operator: Ben Houghton
Stills: Aron Klein
Sound Engineer: Alexander Archer
Sound Assistant: Ellis Cohen
Runner: Elizabeth Playle
Runner: Samad Olukunle
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