Travel back in time and around the world with The Travel Film Archive. The Travel Film Archive is a collection of travelogues and educational and industrial films -- many of them in color - that show the world the way it was between 1900 and 1970. Our holdings include archives of the renowned travel filmmakers Burton Holmes, Andre de la Varre, and James A. FitzPatrick, as well as footage shot by many other intinerant cameramen. Please keep in mind that the narration for some of these films was written over 75 years ago and reflects the colonial attitudes of the time, some of which may seem offensive today. The Travel Film Archive presents these as historical artifacts and does not endorse or condone any point of view conveyed by the films. Footage from The Travel Film Archive has been transferred from film originals and is available for licensing at: STAY TUNED FOR MORE VIDEOS
A visit to Macau in the early 1950s. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:
1950s, post-WWII, Macau, traditional Chinese culture, cityscape, skyline, Guia Hill, Guia Lighthouse, Sikh policemen, Senado Square, Senate Square, Ruins of Saint Paul’s, Barrier Gate Road, Chinese farmers using carrying poles and riding bicycles to haul produce and wares to market, men using watering cans on carrying poles to water garden, carabao plowing rice fields and paddies, Macau street scenes, pedestrians, rickshaws, street food, sidewalk soup restaurants, tea and rice stands, street peddler selling rabbits and cats, religious procession, Buddhist, dragon dance, Chinese funeral procession, A-Ma Temple, moon gate, shrine, Lotus Temple, Chinese women in Lou Lim Ieoc Garden, lotus pond, firecracker manufacturing, women filling empty firecrackers with fuses and powder, fishing industry, fishing junks headed out to sea
A Barbados Tourist Board film about Barbados in the 1960s. 1960s, Caribbean, Barbados, West Indies, Lesser Antilles, promotional films, air travel, tourism, tourists, leisure, outdoor recreational activities, Trans-Canada Air Lines airplane flying over Barbados, female passenger looking at flight route, map zooming in on Barbados, passengers looking out airplane window, aerial agricultural fields, coastline, mountains, plane landing, passengers deplaning and being greeted by acquaintances at gate, “lookout man” looking through telescope at liners, liner passengers disembarking at Deep Water Harbour, port of Bridgetown, steel pan band playing for arriving visitors, steel drums, visitors arriving at hotel, luxury club overlooking ocean, beachside hotels, boys playing in surf, water polo, water skiing, visitors relaxing on beach in lounge chairs and being served drinks, snorkeling, children chewing raw sugarcane, sugar plantation workers at work in sugarcane field, beach cricket, cricket being played on dirt road, cricketers dressed in whites playing cricket on field, kite flying, Tent Bay, fishing fleet returning to land, man wading through water as sun sets, people sitting under beach umbrella at sunset, hotel nightlife, visitors being served meat directly from grill, visitors watching and applauding female traditional Caribbean dancer accompanied by steel pan band, steel drums, limbo dancers, Bridgetown, Trafalgar Square, Lord Nelson Statue, fish fleet heading out from Tent Bay at dawn, Barbados police patrol, sugar plantation, sugar mill, man watering plants in garden, modern machinery being used at mill, sugar being transported dockside and onto freighter at Deep Water Harbour, harbor police wearing uniforms descended from Lord Nelson’s day, Bridgetown, street scenes, street barber, children dressed in school uniforms walking down street, Rediffusion radio building, woman placing telephone poolside, modern architecture and telecommunications technology, nurses walking outside general hospital, government headquarters, Harrison College, students singing “God Save the Queen,” stained glass windows, local boarding schools, Queen’s College, girls playing field hockey, Bridgetown, Trafalgar Square, street scenes, women carrying items in baskets, trays and suitcases on their heads, Fairchild Street Market, street coconut vendor serving fresh coconut water, Deep Water Harbour, Barbados Development Board, Grazettes Industrial Trading Estate, furniture factory, factories, male and female workers, boat building, cottage industries, various industries, manufacturing, Chalky Mount, pottery studio with potter’s wheel, tourists shopping for pottery, Bridgetown, shops on main street, tourist family enjoying outdoor buffet with local cuisine, tourists visiting Morgan Lewis Windmill, Codrington College, St. John's Parish Church, wedding, tourists looking at monkey in tree, cruise boat coastline tour, Christ Church, tourists and locals on beach and in water, tourists having drinks near beach, fishing charter, golf
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Change description to: An educational film about children making things in Sweden in the 1950s. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:
1950s, educational films, Sweden, children, childhood, education, handicrafts, Stockholm, boys looking at high angle views of Stockholm including Stockholm City Hall and waterfront from other side of Riddarfjärden, “skola” (school) sign, exterior school building, children entering elementary school in morning, girls curtseying and boys bowing to teacher as they enter classroom, children making papier-mâché including miniature teepees, girls doing finger painting, boys and girls blowing out eggs, girls painting and decorating egg faces, boys and girls making miniature ostriches and dolls out of craft supplies, boys and girls weaving baskets, girls doing gymnastics on grass sports field, children playing on schoolyard at recess, girls and boys baking in home economics class, man conducting band of boys playing brass and woodwind instruments, field trip to Björkö aboard steamship Ejdern, boys making birdhouses, boys woodcrafting various items including model of Kon-Tiki raft, winter, children playing in snow outside school, boys making Christmas themed straw work, girls making miniature snowmen, boys and girls making Christmas tree decorations including paper chains and decorating classroom tree, children exiting school building for Christmas vacation, boys playing ice hockey, skiing contest, sausages being prepared and served outside, specialized classes starting in grade seven, manual training classes, manual arts, practical arts, older boys doing metal and woodcraft in shop using modern machinery and by handwork, older boys and girls learning household chores in home economics class, school post office / general store, ninth year typing class, older girls typing on typewriters, children taking home their projects on last day of school, exterior school building
A cliff diving show in Acapulco in the 1960s. 1960s, Mexico, Acapulco, rocky coast, cliffs, cliff divers, onlookers applauding, cliff diver crossing himself at sunset, men diving while holding flaming torches at sunset
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A visit to Acapulco in the 1960s. 1960s, Mexico, Acapulco, rocky coast, cliffs, resorts, hotels, tourists eating on terrace overlooking bay, man diving into swimming pool, crowded beach, locals and tourists relaxing on beach and enjoying water activities, young man playing guitar, women holding hands running on beach towards water, man and woman holding hands running into water at sunset, beachgoers at sunset
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People enjoy various water activities in Acapulco in the 1960s. 1960s, Mexico, Acapulco, exterior Hotel Club de Pesca, water activities, water skiing, big game fishing, sea turtle being pulled onto deck, woman catching large fish, sailing.
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A visit to the islands of Zamoagnga and Jolo in the Philippines in the 1950s. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit:
1950s, post-WWII, Philippines, travel films, travelogues, traditional Filipino culture, native life, aerials, Manila, cityscape, Pasig River, old city, waterfront, Manila Bay, rice fields, Luzon, Taal Lake, Taal Volcano, Zamboanga, Jolo, village of houses and and bamboo walkways on stilts, children playing in water, Moro people, drying copra, firewood brought to island in boats, marketplace, vendors selling fish, coconut meat, durian, procession of women wearing sarong escorting bride from her house to wedding site, gong ringer, groom being escorted by male friends, wedding ceremony, smiling bride, priest covering groom and bride’s father’s clasped hands with cloth to symbolize wedding contract, women dancing as musicians play traditional musical instruments, fleet of Moro vinta boats
An episode from the RKO / Van Beuren Vagabond Adventure series about Damascus, Syria in the early 1930s. 1930s, Middle East, Syria, Damascus, farming, farmers, pack camels, ox plow, Damascus cityscape, skyline, Islamic architecture, minarets, ancient ruins, Minaret of the Bride, Umayyad Mosque, Mausoleum of Saladin, tomb of Saladin, Minaret of Isa, courtyard of Umayyad, triumphal arch, Straight Street, bazaars, pedestrians, marketplace, sheep, camels, pack camel sitting on ground, open-air barber, stone cutters tent, stone cutting, artisans, traditional wood and mother of pearl inlay work, traditional Syrian crafts, wood turner at work using hands and feet, metal inlay work, metal inlay work, metal work hammered out without inlay, Sulaymaniyya Takiyya, mosque and pilgrims house, Muezzin sounding Islamic call to prayer from top of Sulaymaniyya Takiyya minaret
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A travelogue by Andre de la Varre from The Screen Traveler series about Nias and Sumatra, a large Indonesian island west of Java and south of the Malay Peninsula. 1930s, Screen Traveler, André de la Varre, travel films, travelogues, Indonesia, Sumatra, Nias island, mountain village, Orahili, traditional houses with steeply pitched roofs, Nias people, young men performing stone jumping, traditions, village chief wearing decorative scabbard, bodyguard with less decorative scabbard, visitors ascending steep steps to Bawomataluo village at top of hill, Omo sebua, warriors in traditional armor performing tribal dance, women and children watching performance from behind window grilles, view through ship windows traveling along Indian Ocean towards Sumatra, West Sumatra, Payakumbuh, Sunday market, women selling wares, women wearing head scarves, some women wearing American gold coins around their necks, baby with shaved head, man wearing wide-brimmed straw hat, wealthy women wearing conventional Minangkabau dress with elaborate gold jewelry and headdresses, men wearing batik trousers, Fort De Kock, Indonesian curio merchants trying to sell wares to Burton Holmes who sits on stoop, Burton Holmes looking at equator monument along main road, Indonesian man using bamboo pole to refill car from roadside water station, boys carrying large bamboo stems used as buckets, Paloepoeh, visitor feeding pool of holy fish, water buffalo taking mud bath and pulling carts, Batak village with traditional Batak Toba houses, Minangkabau houses, Indonesian architecture, women spreading freshly harvested grain on mats to dry
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A U.S. Department of Agriculture film about floods in the USA in the 1930s. 1930s, U.S. Department of Agriculture, historical documentaries, educational films, floods, flooding, natural disasters, agriculture, flooding causing bridge to collapse, onlookers watching, men stacking sandbags, bridge segment being swept away, men holding on to rope as they wade through water, streetlamp and houses partially submerged in water, destroyed houses and buildings, piles of debris, Red Cross flag on wire fence, men rowing boat through submerged streets, high angle flooded city, flooded farm submerged in water, crop fields destroyed by flooding, watersheds, silt, flood control, ways to prevent crop field devastation, terraces, contour farming, gullies healed over with vines, shrubs and trees, seedling being planted, farm pond, mulching, detention dams, soil conservation efforts in fields and forests, farmers, farming
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