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Train Effective
  • Category: Sports
  • Country: United Kingdom

Millions of young players lack access to quality professional coaching and football education, and we're on a mission to change that! Train Effective is the world's #1 digital football academy in your pocket ⚽️📲 Our mobile app can be used anywhere, anytime, and by players of all kinds of levels, from amateur to pro. Players can develop their technique, improve their fitness, enhance their tactical understanding and strengthen their mentality. Featuring masterclasses by Man Utd legend Rio Ferdinand as well as Premier League experts, our app is used in over 150 countries. We also host a one-of-a-kind football training camp where players across the globe can come to develop their game. Learn how to win from top European coaches and get the chance to be seen by scouts. If you love football, you'll love the effective fam! Stay effective!! APP: CAMPS:

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How many subscribers does Train Effective have?
Train Effective has 532.0K subscribers. Train Effective has had 382.4M total views.
How many views does Train Effective get per video?
Train Effective gets 129.0K views per episode on average. Train Effective has published 3.0K videos.
How can I subscribe to the Train Effective YouTube channel?
You can visit the Train Effective YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Train Effective mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Train Effective belong to?
Train Effective belongs to the Sports category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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