Comedy and cartoons from Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell and his friends! Not suitable for kids tho. I have a P.O. Box! You can send me a letter to: Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell Suite 62 81 Lee High Road Lewisham SE13 5NS United Kingdom
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Dan presses Tom's buttons and goes goblin mode
Starring Daniel Howell (@danielhowell)
Written, Produced, and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
and Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien (
Edited by Kai Newton (@KaiPie) and Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Recorded by Tommy Bartlett (
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (
Visual Effects by Dave Brain (@guksack)
Special thanks to Daniel Layton
CONTENT WARNINGS: A budding drinking problem and claymation carnage
Secondary Channel (@TomSkaAndFriends)
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ass-duff-moo-vee-fiff-teen - Don't Press That Mine Turtle on Kickstarter!
Animated by Billy Crinion (@BillyBCreations)
David Kalev-Roy (@DavidToons)
and Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (@Wonchop)
asdfmovie merch (
Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Co-Written by Eddie ‘Eddache’ Bowley (@eddache)
Music by Todd 'LilDeuceDeuce' Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Horse Illustration by Xanthe White (@attkdecayrels)
Additional Editing by Kai Newton (@EquinoxPictures)
Featuring the voices of
Chloe ‘ScarfDemon’ Dungate (@ScarfDemon)
Zane Little (@ZaneLittle)
Harry Toms (@frosted_derp)
Sam Reich (@samreich)
Kai Newton (@EquinoxPictures)
Jack Douglass (@jacksfilms)
and Rik Bowley
Secondary Channel (@TomSkaAndFriends)
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Hello! Don't Press That Mine Turtle on Kickstarter!
Co-Created with Eddie Bowley ( and Elliot Gough (
Edited by Kai Newton (@EquinoxPictures)
Animated by Billy Crinion (
and Benjamin 'Wonchop' Smallman (
Published by Big Potato Games (
Narrated by Matt Ley (
Featuring the voices of Will Ryan (@dagames)
Todd Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
and Charlie Belle (@magicianbelle)
Cinematography by Ciaran O'Brien (
Additional graphics by Apothael (
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Adulterer?! I hardly know 'er!
Starring Charlotte Bloomsbury (
with Reb Day as Wife (@RebDay)
and Jim Caddick as John Chestman (@Caddicarus)
Written and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
and Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien (
Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
and Kai Newton (@KaiPie)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (
Visual Effects by John Huffnagle (@Jhoofnail)
and Dave Brain (@guksack)
Location Management and Ninjas by Dan Layton (@DanLayton)
CONTENT WARNINGS: Mild gore, disturbing imagery, & threat, one naughty word, and a partridge in a pear tree.
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When Tom plays the blame game, everybody loses!
Starring Reis Daniel as Brian (
Charlotte Bloomsbury as Sammy (
Dean Kilbey as Sammy's Father (
Lanre Danmola as Corner Shop Assassin (
Dottie James as Miss England (@DottieJames)
Thom Robin as Mr Monopoly Man/God (
and Charlotte Schofield as Lady Luck (
Written and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Produced by Erin Stevenson (
Co-Written by Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography by Bryn Williams (
Camera Assistance by Joseph Rowe (
Makeup and SFX by Tilly Theron (
and Michal Wolf (
On-Set Assistance by Syirin Sharom (
Sound Recorded by Tommy Bartlett (
Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (
Visual Effects by Dave Brain (@guksack)
Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien (
Special thanks to Sammy Paul (@ICOEPR)
CONTENT WARNINGS: Threat with a knife, blood from a nosebleed, alcoholic father figure, weight-based bullying, implied suicide by gunshot, and a really cheap plastic skeleton (very scary!!!)
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D’you wanna go skateboards?
Muffin Time: the asdfmovie card game!
Get the dang song, maybe? (
Animated by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (@Wonchop)
Music and Vocals by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Compositing and Additional Animation by Jonti ‘Weebl’ Picking (@weebl)
Directed and Produced by Thomas ‘TomSka’ Ridgewell (@TomSka)
and Eddie ‘Eddache’ Bowley (@eddache)
Saxophone by Chris Carlier (
Guitar by Joachim ‘Torzelan’ Sandberg (
Backing Vocals by Jayme Gutierrez (@MechanicalMonkey)
Additional Backing Vocals by Shantel Gabrielle (
Additional Dialogue by Thomas Ridgewell and Chloe Dungate (@ScarfDemon)
Chorus by Thomas Ridgewell, Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough), Eddie Bowley, Jonti Picking, and Ben Smallman
Every day you wake up, try to do the best you can
Try to show the world that you can be the bigger man
Some people wanna drag you down, they just want to battle
They all try to act the same, like sheep or like cattle
They don’t know what to do…
Cuz they’ve never seen a man like you
I’m a man!
Yeah, I’m a real man!
Yeah, I’m a man (x2)
Every day you keep grinding, gotta rise to the top
Too late to slow down, just don’t stop (don’t stop!)
Work hard! Improve! Show them your raddest moves
Shake off the haters like you’ve got nothing to lose
They don’t know what to do…
Cuz they’ve never seen a man like you
I’m a man!
Yeah, I’m a real man!
Yeah, I’m a man (x2)
I’ve met a real man
Yes, I am real man.
You wanna go skateboards?
Beep beep!
Train skid!
Waffle grid!
Bomb blow!
Christ air!
Moon bear!
Sometimes you lie, head under the covers
Have to admit, some days are harder than others, but
It’s time to get up and give it one last try
One last blast, before we say our goodbyes
They’ll all know what to do…
When they see a real man like you
I’m a man!
Yeah, I’m a real man!
Yeah, I’m the man (x2)
I’m a man! (He’s the man!)
Yeah, I’m a real man!
Yeah, I’m the man
(He’s the man, he’s a real man!) (x2)
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Dan gets his act together.
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Starring Daniel J Layton (@DanLayton)
Written, Produced, and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Co-Written and Co-Produced by Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien (
Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Recorded by Tommy Bartlett (
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (
Visual Effects by Dave Brain (@guksack)
Additional Animation by Billy Crinion (@BillyBCreations)
Special thanks to Fred and The Bowleys
With Emmaleigh Kelly (
Chloe Dungate (@ScarfDemon)
Eddie Bowley (who was wearing underwear, I promise)
and Tommy Bartlett
CONTENT WARNINGS: Someone getting shot, censored nudity, gratuitous cleavage, and Dan gets burned by coffee but it's not real and he's fine.
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It definitely won't make your head explode.
Starring Jade Johnson (
Written and Directed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Co-Written by Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien (
Camera Assistance by Bryn Williams (
Produced by Sophie Newton (
Produced and Assistant Directed by Sammy Paul (@ICOEPR)
Art Direction by Louis Grant (
Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Recorded by Tommy Bartlett (
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley (
Visual Effects by Dave Brain (@guksack)
Additional Animation by Matt Ley (@Thelaserbearguy)
Special thanks to Sophie Thronycroft, Silvija Vil & Sacha Powell, and Don & Stephanie Newton
With Daniel J Layton (@DanLayton)
Dottie James (@DottieJames)
Corry Will (@notcorry)
Mike and Jacob Trueman (@Fratocrats)
Daniel Lipton (
and Logan Brain as Young Tom
CONTENT WARNINGS: Heads that explode. Look, don't blame me for the spoilers, you asked.
Secondary Channel (@TomSkaAndFriends)
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Download Monster Legends now and get my monster, Mine Turtle, until July 5th!
ass-duff-moo-vee-for-teen - More asdfmovie!
Animated by Ben ‘Wonchop’ Smallman (@Wonchop)
Billy Crinion (@BillyBCreations)
and Matt Ley (@Thelaserbearguy)
asdfmovie merch (
Written and Directed by Thomas Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Co-Written by Eddie ‘Eddache’ Bowley (@eddache)
Music by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough) and Dan Pugsley (
Chloe ‘ScarfDemon’ Dungate (@ScarfDemon)
Abigail ‘PhilosophyTube’ Thorn (@PhilosophyTube)
Jesse Cox (@jessecox)
Arin ‘Egoraptor’ Hanson (@egoraptor)
Ami Yamato (@AmiYamato)
SungWon ‘ProZD’ Cho (@ProZD)
Silas ‘ProBluesPlayer’ McDonnell (
and Alison Bowley (
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Which impression did you think I did the best? Let me know!
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Featuring the Voice of Broden Kelly (@TheAuntyDonnaChannel)
Written and Performed by Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell (@TomSka)
Co-Written by Eddie 'Eddache' Bowley (@eddache)
Shot and Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
Ad Animation by Billy Crinion (@BillyBCreations)
Special Thanks to Ed, Alice, and Todd.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Weapons, suicide jokes, cancer jokes, self-deprecating jokes, honestly just about everything your parents warned you about.
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