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Tim Trevail
  • Category: Education
  • Country: Australia

Welcome to our global platform for manual and physical therapy practitioners - a dedicated resource for those focused on advancing musculoskeletal health. We invite you to engage with our content, share your insights, and help us build a vibrant community of practitioners committed to excellence in our field. Your comments will directly shape our future content and better serve our community. Our channel is managed by Tim Trevail, a seasoned academic and clinician. He's currently a PhD candidate and holds degrees in Sports and Exercise Medicine, Teaching and Learning, and Sports Therapy. Clinically, Tim consults from Complete Physio Exercise & Performance in Melbourne and offers online appointments for combat sports athletes. Visit: Please remember: the content on this channel is intended for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Physical Therapy Physiotherapy Myotherapy Massage Health Dry Needling Sports Therapy Osteopathy Chiropractic physio

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Tim Trevail Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Tim Trevail have?
Tim Trevail has 237.0K subscribers. Tim Trevail has had 204.4M total views.
How many views does Tim Trevail get per video?
Tim Trevail gets 1.2M views per episode on average. Tim Trevail has published 172 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Tim Trevail YouTube channel?
You can visit the Tim Trevail YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Tim Trevail mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Tim Trevail belong to?
Tim Trevail belongs to the Education category, and the creators are from Australia.

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