What do I work in:
Toonboom Harmony 15
What am I working on:
Animating a bit of RM stuff
Want to support my work? Check out my patreon here:
Please don't shitpost too much :D
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
►See the original lemme smash here:
Zephyr breeze attempts to lure RD with his precious...
Special thanks to bluedeadpool who was accidentally left out of credits :V!
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
We dive behind the bars to see what Rick Sanchez is up to these days after finally being put away by the glorious Galactic Federation!
This is a FAN animation!
►Rick and Morty voices
by Justin Roiland
► Animation/backgrounds/rigs/art
By me
► Sound effects by Strelok
► Song:
Epidemic Sound -Still Here 1 - by Patrik Almkvisth
Special thanks to bluedeadpool who was accidentally left out of credits :V!
About Rick and Morty:
Rick and Morty is Adult Swim's most scientifically accurate animated comedy. Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, it catalogues the bizarre misadventures of a bored scientific genius and his socially awkward grandson, Morty. Their exploits tend to have unintended consequences for Morty's dysfunctional family, especially his unfailingly mediocre father, Jerry. Watch Rick and Morty battle everything from interdimensional customs agents to Cronenberg monsters now, only at http://AdultSwim.com.
Watch More Rick and Morty: http://bit.ly/RickandMorty
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
After months of work, today the compleion of undyne vs frisk is upon us!!!...
...or maybe not. Sadly, the small dog took the entire animation budget to buy dog food, no one in the studio was able to stop it. All hail dog.
Don't forget to tag #undertale and #undertaleshorts as well as #tiarawhy !
undertale by toby fox
dog remix by GurchikAlt
Basic undyne art by Cosmosjester
Animated by tiarawhy studio inc trademark floppydisk new age company ceo dog.
If you are confused by what is occurring please consult your nearest calendar.
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
An animation loop by cosmosjester and music provided by SmoothMcgroove/GameChomp (BenBriggs). Thanks guys!!!
Just a little thing that cosmosjester decided to animate, and considering the nature of youtubes requirements for watch time we thought we'd give a try one of these 10 minute videos. We'll see how they go. Either way thanks for all the support and views from you guys, you make us do what we do! Happy holidays !
Music: Smooth McGroove Remixed - Ben Briggs - Mario Overworld Super Mario Remix - GameChops
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR37XZgqgfk
You can find the original video and the full album for purchase bellow:
Loudr ► https://loudr.fm/release/smooth-mcgroove-remixed/nvstd
iTunes ► https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/smooth-mcgroove-remixed/id1065018829
Amazon ► https://amzn.com/B018WXI3UK
Play ► https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bmot3k74yjicznzfm3lqnoj5uwi
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/album/6waAkq...
► http://bit.ly/gamechopsspotify
▾ Follow Ben Briggs ▾
► http://www.benbriggs.net
► http://soundcloud.com/bbriggsmusic
► http://twitter.com/bbriggsmusic
► http://facebook.com/bbriggsmusic
▾ Follow Smooth McGroove ▾
► http://youtube.com/smoothmcgroove
► http://twitter.com/smoothmcgroove
▾ Follow GameChops ▾
► http://soundcloud.com/GameChops
► http://facebook.com/GameChops
► http://twitter.com/GameChops
► http://instagram.com/VideoGameDJ
Please do not reupload this video without my permission in any form.
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
Don't forget to tag #undertale and #undertaleshorts, #undershorts as well as #tiarawhy !
A series of short animations from the world of undertale!
If you haven't played it yet, this movie will make no sense so get to it first!
There are many dogs loose on the set...
Undertale characters and music by Tobyfox
Spider audio by: http://prozdvoices.tumblr.com, line from: http://relative-pronoun.tumblr.com/post/93123264478
Dog to text by mittsies: https://www.youtube.com/user/Mittsies
Robot scene idea from KCgreen http://kcgreendotcom.com/
Music edit by:Gasp
Sans scene: cosmosjester
Animated by : tiarawhy
Special thanks to all my patreons who made this video and many others happen!
Happy holidays!
Please do not reupload this video without my permission in any form.
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
Thanks everyone, the goat funding was raised!!
The makers of TFH were the same people behind fighting is magic a couple of years ago, and you can watch gameplay/lore on their channel here:
Music by the great RC88, find him here:
Also a parody game version of this available containing you know what at you know where, so if that's your sort of thing find it there!
Note there is nothing but chill music for 4 minutes, don't look for any secrets ;^)
Please do not reupload this video without my permission in any form.
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
I really miss metalocalypse, and after rewatching it for 5th time I decided to do a little mash up parody! Really hope the series gets finished somehow!
William Murderface is having no luck with women around him, but will his luck change when he calls the mysterious number in his email...
Concept/animation/editing by tiarawhy
Thanks to all the patreons who made this possible!
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
After saving the world for the 20th time Princess Twilicorn finally gets a night off!
Check out MLP Cutie Mark on DVD here!
What is a mare to do? Why not call some castle service!
Music: Sating Sugar
► Support animations like this and more on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tiarawhyoutube
Will twilight-kun overcome her fears of friendship?
Will celestia-okasan mentor her daughter into the ways of alicorns?
Will luna-san retreive the lance of sameness from the moon? Find out next time on PONY REBUILD 6.0
But seriously, here have some horses.
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Animated by tiarawhy
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