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Hey! How've you been / what've you been up to?! Me? Made a speed nut for my Tormek, thanks for ask'n. Also an extended support. And a short tool jig. Not to mention a bunch of gum flapping, of course. Usual stuff!
Wes' channel if you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/c/WatchWesWork
Music: "Canal 3"
Better late than never? You betcha! Let's see what Xyla cooked up and close the space-time hole we made in Secret Santa!
Check out Xyla's channel and her build video here:
Merry Christmas one and all; Maker Secret Santa time again!
This year I'm building for James Bruton:
And turns out MY santa is Xyla Foxlin:
Be sure to follow along using the handy playlist!
Music: E's Jammy Jams - Oh Little Town, Twin Musicom - Not Without The Rest, Audionautic - We Wish You A Merry Christmas, Jingle Punks - Auld Lang Syne
Are you upset at the lack of butt clamp videos? So am I!
& decided to do something about it.
Easy to build; these clamp help fixture sheet metal panels in place, positioning your butt joints for easier welding.
Music: Twin Musicom - The Halloween Dawn
Summer's over & back in the garage: stretching the old muscles with a "quick" CNC part to repair a broken landing net.
Music: South Of The Border - Audionautix
Need a constant force? Gas springs have got you covered!
But how on earth do they do what they do?!
We need some common ground to understand what's going on. If you can't stand the wait, jump to 17:28.
Music: Wayne Jones 'Mr. Sunny Face'
My apologies for the delay but here's to closing the loop on the welder giveaways. Thanks to everyone who participated and congrats again to the winners!
Dave's video starts at 4:05
Doug's starts at 6:17
My video starts at 0:00
Good manners and over-center mechanisms are what separates us from the animals. Let's talk way too much about them!
Music: Wayne Jones - Mr. Sunny Face / Silent Partner - On Hold
Time to get the arbor press off the floor and sorted.
Stick around while we knock out a couple of its teeth and make some simple tooling!
Music: Epic TV Theme - Audionautix
All the info is in the video. Must be 18 years or older / Limited to contiguous U.S. / Free to enter. Ends Friday Dec. 22, 2023, 12 noon EST.
The manuals for these machines are here: https://usaweld.com/pages/manuals
Please read the safety information here:
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1917/6569/files/Pro_Pulse_220_MTS_Manual_6.1.2023_rev5.pdf?v=1686619193 and here:
Making a submission to the email addresses in this video means you've read and understood the safety information.
Pete Zila's video about gas tanks is here: https://youtu.be/7ajmVtUQDtA?si=yedzmSgIKENih3ED
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