#SURVIVAL | OUTDOORS | HUNTING | FISHING | TRAPPING | HOMESTEADING | BUSHCRAFT | CAMPING This channel is about the outdoors. Not just about survival, fishing, hunting, trapping, or even bushcraft, but about the whole process of procuring resources, fish and game, wild edibles, and other materials necessary for sustenance - wilderness living. I do not practice ‘catch and release’ or even ‘sport fishing.’ I do not “harvest.” Rather, I catch and keep, and consume what I catch. However, I do not catch and keep more than I plan to consume. I would much prefer utilizing nature on my own accord than to visit a supermarket and have that be sourced out to others (farmer and butchers). This gives me a much deeper respect for the flesh of animals, ‘meat’, than can be had through its nearest cousin, the sterilized plastic wrap and foam packaged variety sold in supermarket.
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Thanks to Desert Island Survival: https://www.desertislandsurvival.com for sponsoring this video, and dropping us off on a deserted island off the coast of Central America.
Bookmark the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
SCUBA.COM - 10% Off Code
10% OFF full-price items sitewide. Select exclusions apply.
We battle mother nature trying to keep our body weight from dropping as we endure 9 long days in the struggle for survival.
Also a big thanks to Scuba.com: https://www.scuba.com/ for supplying all our snorkel mask, snorkel, scuba, spearfishing, speargun gear, stringer, dive knives, which made getting fish. Special shoutout to JBL.
And finally thanks to https://www.basspro.com for sponsoring our fishing tackle, rods, reels.
USB Solar Panel Conversion (Testing With Mike): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3Ll760kM8
Wuben E7 flashlight link: http://bit.ly/4am9Ipl
Wuben E7 flashlight link : https://amzn.to/4hn6Zyg
Stranded 9-DAYS on Tropical Desert Island to Survive - Ep.3 (Facing Dehydration, Fish, Forage Food!)
Stranded Survival 9-DAYS in CENTRAL AMERICAN JUNGLE - Ep.3 (Facing Dehydration, Fish, Forage Food!)
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
*Thanks to Desert Island Survival:* https://www.desertislandsurvival.com
*$300 off your survival destination if you use code: "BEARD"*
*My Aqua Gear:* https://www.scuba.com/
*Bookmark the Playlist:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
*USB Solar Panel Conversion (Testing With Mike):* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3Ll760kM8
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
Thanks to Desert Island Survival: https://www.desertislandsurvival.com for sponsoring this video, and dropping us off on a deserted island off the coast of Central America.
Bookmark the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
We battle mother nature trying to keep our body weight from dropping as we endure 9 long days in the struggle for survival.
Also a big thanks to Scuba.com: https://www.scuba.com/ for supplying all our snorkel mask, snorkel, scuba, spearfishing, speargun gear, stringer, dive knives, which made getting fish. Special shoutout to JBL.
SCUBA.COM - 10% Off Code
10% OFF full-price items sitewide. Select exclusions apply.
And finally thanks to https://www.basspro.com for sponsoring our fishing tackle, rods, reels.
USB Solar Panel Conversion (Testing With Mike): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3Ll760kM8
Wuben E7 flashlight link: http://bit.ly/4am9Ipl
Wuben E7 flashlight link : https://amzn.to/4hn6Zyg
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
*Thanks to Desert Island Survival:* https://www.desertislandsurvival.com
*$300 off your survival destination if you use code: "BEARD"*
*My Aqua Gear:* https://www.scuba.com/
*Bookmark the Playlist:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
*USB Solar Panel Conversion (Testing With Mike):* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3Ll760kM8
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
Thanks to Desert Island Survival: https://www.desertislandsurvival.com for sponsoring this video, and dropping us off on a deserted island off the coast of Central America.
Bookmark the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
SCUBA.COM - 10% Off Code
10% OFF full-price items sitewide. Select exclusions apply.
USB Solar Panel Conversion (Testing With Mike): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll3Ll760kM8
We battle mother nature trying to keep our body weight from dropping as we endure 9 long days in the struggle for survival.
Also a big thanks to Scuba.com: https://www.scuba.com/ for supplying all our snorkle mask, snorkle, scuba, spearfishing, speargun gear, stringer, dive knives, which made getting fish. Special shoutout to JBL.
And finally thanks to https://www.basspro.com for sponsoring our fishing tackle, rods, reels.
Wuben E7 flashlight link: http://bit.ly/4am9Ipl
Wuben E7 flashlight link : https://amzn.to/4hn6Zyg
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
Thanks to Desert Island Survival: https://www.desertislandsurvival.com for sponsoring this video, and dropping us off on a deserted island off the coast of Central America.
Bookmark the Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKidb39ANzXjm4XkNI558Nb2n
Tom McElroy: https://www.youtube.com/@wildsurvivalskills
Big thanks to Scuba.com: https://www.scuba.com/ for supplying all our snorkel mask, snorkel, scuba, spearfishing, speargun gear, stringer, dive knives, which made getting fish. Special shoutout to JBL.
And finally thanks to https://www.basspro.com for sponsoring our fishing tackle, rods, reels.
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
5 days living off just whatever foods we can find. From berries, fish, wild food, everything is on the menu. Living off the wild, and surviving, are not compatible to trying to live long term from wild food. The Wilderness Living Challenge is all about not losing any body weight, so it's not a survival competition. *The Wilderness Living Challenge THE MOVIE PLAYLIST:* https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDg2Qmw9pKiePW2CACELXa6L_NcpNOgh8
Bob Hansler's Survival Courses: https://outbackerish.com/
The Wilderness Living Challenge is the ultimate survival competition because it requires winners to come out of the competition without losing any body weight by only gathering wild foods including fish, meat, and whatever wild edibles they can manage to find.
The rules are simple, but the competition is difficult. Not having access to modern foods means that the survivalists not only need to work hard, but also smart. Running calorie deficits compounds and any weight lost, is weight that needs to be regained. Losing weight in nature is easy, but is the work you do, always a productive return on the investment? Imagine trying to do this longer, like a 30-Day Survival Challenge - Eastern Canada (THE MOVIE), so you think living in nature is possible anymore?
In Season 2 of The Wilderness Living Challenge, One Wildcrafter (Jeremy) and The Wooded Beardsman (Chris) battle Northern Ontario in a fierce competition to maintain body weight subsisting on just wild foods using whatever means necessary.
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
Thanks Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops for sponsoring this adventure! I build an emergency survival shelter using just some simple items to fight off extreme winter weather - the worst - freezing rain and low digit temperatures that are just around freezing on a historic rainfall winter warming. Then look for wild game like snowshoe hare, grouse, beaver, and whatever else I can eat in the far North of Canada. I also make Outdoor Boys special camp bread cooked over an open fire in cast iron. We set 330 connibear traditional beaver traps in open water near an extremely large beaver lodge trying to get some fur and meat.
Bushcraft Camping in Freezing Rain - Hunting Food & Building Survival Shelter"
2-Days Harsh Winter Survival Camping (no tent, sleeping bag) - Trap, Hunt, Cook
2-Days Survival Camping - Harsh Winter Conditions
48-hrs Survival Camping with Basic Equipment - Trap, Hunt, Cook
48-hrs Survival Camping - Trap, Hunt, Cook 'Outdoor Boys' Bread
2-Days in WINTER RAIN - Fighting Hypothermia,Trapping, Hunting Food
2-Days Fighting Hypothermia - Winter Survival Camping in Freezing Rain, Trap, Hunt
2-Days Fighting Hypothermia - Winter Survival Camping in Freezing Rain, Trap, Hunt, Build, Scavenge
Survival Trapping
2-Days Fighting Hypothermia, Survival Trapping - Bushcraft Winter Camping in Freezing Rain, Hunt Food & Build Shelter
with 'Outdoor Boys' Bread
Bushcraft Winter Camping in Freezing Rain - Hunting Food & Building Survival Shelter
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
We trek back 25 miles to a hidden pocket brook trout lake deep in the Canadian wilderness to untouched trout waters for a 3 day overnight winter hot tent camping adventure for epic fishing, survival camping, fishing, fires, eating delicious wild caught foods including snowshoe hare, goat meat, and wild brook trout. We'll survive off camp meals like pancakes, but also wild foods and stews to keep us from starvation deep in the wilderness testing ourselves in the face of cold waters, and a near death experience.
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
Jeremy and I work in the cold winter in effort to snare snowshoe hare and set up a winter canvas hot tent outfitted with a wood stove. We pursue snowshoe hare, or varying hare, unlike a rabbit, it turns white, it is one of the only reliable foods to be found in the dead of winter. We will set out a bunch of traps to catch hare, show trail camera footage of the snares in action and how the hares react to it, all the while preparing wild foods such as deer, raccoon, rainbow trout and wild rice.
Overnight Winter Camping in Canada! | Wood Stove, Wild Food
My Gear (Shop and Support): http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
Jeremy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy7HUXYD7Ua6zPR384d1ETg
We will show you how to snare hare, how to set up a winter canvas hot tent, run a wood stove and stay warm in the Northern Climate of Canada. The wood stove keeps us warm mostly overnight, but needs to be fed every few hours or the temperatures plummet. We will guide you how to winter camp in comfort and safety.
We use double sleeping bags to camp out in the winter as well as a camp mat and cot. The tent fluctuates from very warm to very cold as it is not insulated. With no way to trap the heat, the fire must be constantly kept going inside.
Jeremy (One Wildcrafter) is eating an all wild foods diet for the whole of 2019, so this is an interesting test for him. Can we snare enough hare to sustain ourselves over the winter months? How easy is it to find foods in the winter when everything seems to be sleeping.
Being stranded in the woods is no day at the park, but with $10, or more like $13 or so worth of items from the dollar store and a rabbit I shot that morning, "survival" can be pretty darn comfortable!
I bushcraft build a simple tarp shelter costing just $3.50 with some paracord rope over a ridge pole. I make a bed with spruce bows topped with dead grass as an insulator. Using just materials in the woods around me, it's possible to endure harsh Canadian winter conditions!
Next I open a can of corn worth about $1.5 using a cheap yellow box cutter $1.25 and garnish my meal of wild rabbit I shot in the morning with some olives $1.25. Find out how I cook the rabbit I shot using a traditional hair removal technique and cook it over the fire without a pot or pan.
I break standing dead wood with my bare hands and with the help of a leaver system naturally made by two standing trees.
Is fire easy to build using just a lighter from the dollar store? Find out.
Surviving without professional tools is very challenging, but if you find yourself without, you may need these skills to save your life.
This is a short version of the overnight dollar store challenge or the 48 hour survival challenge, as I opt not to stay overnight.
Other survival challenges use only a knife, but while this is possible, using basic survival tools is more fun.
Thanks for your help Michael, Berge, Hila, and Maria and all the off camera team at Bass Pro Shops who were helping even when the cameras weren't rolling! Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
It's no secret that I am sponsored by Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops, and today, I'm finally going to invest all my gift cards into an epic $10,000 once in a lifetime shopping spree! Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
As you know, I'm sponsored by Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops, and as part of my sponsorship, they give me a monthly allowance to spend here - to test out all the awesome stuff they have...well, I've spend some of that over the years, as you know, but I've managed to save up an insane $10,000 in gift cards, and I'm going to be spending all of it today!
My Gear (Shop and Support): https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
Holden's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HoldenAnton
Kevin's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClhInAMlPM1UcjD8lI4o7UA
- Website: http://thewoodedbeardsman.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_wooded_beardsman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Wooded-Beardsman-454022962084308/
-Nature's Pond Care: https://www.naturespondcare.com/
-Lyndon Trout Pond: https://lyndonfishhatcheries.com/fishing-pond/
- Woodobo Spice: https://www.thewoodedbeardsman.com/shop/
- Princess Auto: https://www.princessauto.com/en/
- Cabela's and Bass Pro Shops: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en
- Tactacam Camera: https://www.tactacam.com/
#wildernessliving #survivalchallenge #wildfoods
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