Hi! The Sudarmanto Family is a small family living in Sydney, Australia. I'm Antok (a Javanese villager originating from Blora, Cental Java) and my wife is Jess (an ordinary Aussie girl from a small village on the coast of Australia). We have two daughters, our first is Alira, our second is Zahli. Jess and Antok got married in Blora in 2009, and Antok moved to Australia to be together with Jessica since 2010. Our hearts are always longing for Indonesia, and although we are in Australia, we always try to maintain our unique Indonesian cultural connection. Jess has been able to speak the Indonesian language since she was 15 years old, because she has been studying Indonesian since she was in junior high school. This vlog broadcasts content about our daily activities and sharing of our life experience. We hope it is both beneficial and entertaining for our friends here. Because we are far from our family and friends who are still in Indonesia, we hope this channel soothes our longing.
Sabtu kemarin sangat luar biasa. Kami sekeluarga ikut parade seni budaya di Sydney yang dihadiri oleh banyak orang dari berbagai negara. Alira juga nari dalam acara ini dengan @suaraindonesiadance .
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Biaya hidup di Sydney semakin mahal. Kami harus pintar mengatur pengeluaran. Salah satu cara adalah dengan belanja partai besar di Costco. Ingin tahu apa saja yang dibeli dan berapa harga-harganya dibanding dengan harga di swalayan biasa? Simak videonya.
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