This is a place to share and feel inspired by the stories of other ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The Liberators is an International Social movement dedicated to creating video content that demonstrates beyonds our skin deep differences there is love and humanity.
A wild adventure is about to unfold....wish me luck.
Pirates take over South Beach with wild floating dancefloor.
Thank you Innika Wharton and Phil Jenkins for the extra camera angles.
Music: Jammin (Fischer Remix) by Bob Marley
This went better than expected. We asked strangers what their favourite dance tune was and you just have to watch what happened here. This woman had so much fun she joined us for 1.5hrs after too. We started as strangers and ended as friends!
We surprised a Perth public transit Ferry with a free silent disco dance party and this is how strangers responded.
Surprising Perth with Rollerblading Sax player Shmone (@ShmoneProject ).
Song Get a move on by Mr. Scruff
Shmoné teams up with The Liberators to bring joy and music to the streets of Perth, Australia, but there is one major issue...
Song Keep Moving by Mr. Scruff
Video capture by Ben
As part of our vision to create mobile moments of magic and wonder, I developed a small and simple invention which is a backpack mounted to a frame which can fit inside of small mystery box with a QR code on it to promote upcoming gigs. We used this the day before the Mystery Box picnic at South Beach
Mystery Box Surprise feat. Dubioza Kolektiv singing USA to strangers at South Beach Fremantle 🚀
Song called USA written and performed by Dubioza Kolektiv
Directed & Edited: Peter Sharp
Video Team: Innika Wharton, Zach Henderson, Freja Holmer
Mystery Agent: Rob Ferrari
#perth #fremantle #flashmob #mystery #mysterybox #europe #dubiozakolektiv #liberators #usa
Heart felt spontaneous sing-a-long on public morning train ride into work brings strangers to tears on a Monday morning, lovingly sung by Simone Alexander, The Liberators and complete strangers.
Listen to Simone's music here:
Support more gifts like this in the world via our Patreon here:
Song written by Aly Halpert
Surprising the Chase and Status crowd with a 1am spontaneous Drum and Bass adventure through the streets of Perth featuring Mc Wishbone (David Openheart), P-Sharp in the mix and the whole Liberator crew.
This is the shortened version of the full set, to watch the full set check out The Liberators Facebook page.
Credits to the team and the crew who stayed up till 3am for making this happen! Rowan on trolley, Shenae, Stacy and Nic on light towers, Lisa & Mayra light bearers, Dani, Paula on dance-floor duties, Greet & Tanaya on video.
#domwhiting #perth #drumandbass #flashmob #perth #perthisok
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