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The Brandon Vu
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Hey guys! Welcome to my Youtube channel where I do yoyo challenges. That's right, yoyo related challenges. Tune in as I attempt the wackiest, craziest and most extra stunts ever done with a Yoyo. Subscribe to tune into live streams, video edits and overall yoyo content.

Yoyos Offset Yoyo Offset yoyos Yoyoing Yoyoer Australian Yoyoer Australian Yoyoing yoyo challenge yoyo tricks yoyo trick

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live streams yoyo challenges yoyo tricks stunt performances

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The Brandon Vu Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does The Brandon Vu have?
The Brandon Vu has 1.3M subscribers. The Brandon Vu has had 744.0M total views.
How many views does The Brandon Vu get per video?
The Brandon Vu gets 775.0K views per episode on average. The Brandon Vu has published 960 videos.
How can I subscribe to the The Brandon Vu YouTube channel?
You can visit the The Brandon Vu YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when The Brandon Vu mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does The Brandon Vu belong to?
The Brandon Vu belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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