Cute and fun moments of Pit Bull Sharky and a snowshoe cat Max-Arthur AKA #SharkCat who loves to ride iRobot Roomba vacuum. Sharky went to puppy at the age of 9. We really miss him. And Kitty also died to cancer few years later... I am so glad I have many videos of sweet soul Sharky and funny Kitty Maxy so my son #SharkBaby can see their fun activities through YouTube videos while his is growing up! We do have new dog pit bull Mako The Shark and he has been best friend for my son for years! They are like twins and stick together all day long. I also have rabbits, geese, ducks, chickens as our pets and collect their eggs since my son loves to eat omelettes. Please Subscribe if you Love to get their updates :) Woof Meow 'To use any of these videos in a commercial player, all media requests, advertising or in broadcasts, please email all requests to Brave Bison [email protected].
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