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America's major events told through the words of its presidents, since the widespread adoption of the film camera as a communication tool. Through the speeches of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to John F. Kennedy, to Barack Obama, to Donald Trump, a look at the major moments that have defined the modern history of the Presidency of the United States.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933 (First and second terms 1933-1941)
Defeated President Hoover by 17.8% in ‘32 | Landon by 24.3% in ‘36
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khFwYWWF6Tc
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt,_third_and_fourth_terms
FDR (Third term 1941-1945)
Defeated Willkie by 9.9% in ‘40
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyGDokPfxi8
FDR (Fourth term 1945 death)
Defeated Dewey by 7.5% in ‘44
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lClchDYKwnc
Led America to WWII victory over Nazi Germany (surrendered in May 1945) and Japan (surrendered in September 1945)
Harry Truman, 1949 (In office 1945-1953)
Defeated Dewey by 4.5% in ‘48 for 5th straight Democratic term
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gytbJo_bmxA
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Harry_S._Truman
VP became president upon FDR’s death
Dwight Eisenhower, 1953 (In office 1953-1961)
Defeated Stevenson by 10.9% in ‘52 | 15.4% in ‘56
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwenOlpbvTA
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Dwight_D._Eisenhower
Served as Supreme Commander during WWII, and of NATO afterwards
John F. Kennedy, 1961 (In office 1961-1963 assassination)
Defeated Vice President Nixon by 0.17% in ‘60
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwM6s55no6U
JFK Defeated Vice President Nixon by 0.17% in ‘60
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1965 (In office 1963-1969)
Defeated Goldwater by 22.6% in ‘64
Address https://youtu.be/U1MI_f6vtBQ?si=sPUs9f3IfqvQFXwJ
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Lyndon_B._Johnson
Richard Nixon, 1969 (In office 1969-1974 resigned)
Defeated Humphrey by 0.7% in ‘68 | McGovern by 23.2% in ‘72
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhMkATbNNPA
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Richard_Nixon
Jimmy Carter, 1977 (In office 1977-1981)
Defeated President Ford by 2.1% in ‘76
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejZW9v4a9YQ
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Jimmy_Carter
Ronald Reagan, 1981 (In office 1981-1989)
Defeated President Carter by 9.7% in ‘80 | Mondale by 18.2% in ‘84
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEqVnU-m9dE
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Ronald_Reagan
George H.W. Bush, 1989 (In office 1989-1993)
Defeated Dukakis by 7.7% in ‘88
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMmrNcdmdVY
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_George_H._W._Bush
Bill Clinton, 1993 (In office 1993-2001)
Defeated President Bush by 5.6% in ‘92 | Bob Dole by 8.5% in ‘96
Address https://youtu.be/Qszv668rN20?si=KFRyhAQ-yZOGbUVm
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Bill_Clinton
George W. Bush, 2001 (In office 2001-2009)
Defeated VP Gore in electoral college 271-266 in ‘00 | Defeated Kerry by 2.4% in ‘04
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXzgMdj5urs
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_George_W._Bush
Barack Obama, 2009 (In office 2009-2017)
Defeated John McCain by 7.2% in ‘08; Defeated Mitt Romney by 3.9% in ‘12
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuUH2csd4Yo
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Barack_Obama
Donald Trump, 2017 (In office 2017-2021 first term)
Defeated Hillary Clinton in electoral college 304-227 in ‘16 | Defeated VP Harris by 1.5% in ‘24
Address https://youtu.be/ThtRvBUBpQ4?si=YHG3W8uwRMy_iEzc&t=492
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_presidency_of_Donald_Trump
Joe Biden, 2021 (In office 2021-2025)
Defeated President Trump by 4.5% in ‘20
Address https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNmIYeglWj4
Presidency https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Joe_Biden
00:00 Roosevelt (1933-1941)
1:00 FDR (1941-1945)
2:06 FDR (1945)
3:02 Harry Truman (1945-1953)
4:07 Dwight Eisenhower (1953-1961)
6:12 John F. Kennedy - JFK (1961-1963)
7:13 Lyndon B. Johnson - LBJ (1963-1969)
8:38 Richard Nixon (1969-1975)
9:40 Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
10:47 Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
11:37 George H.W. Bush (1989-1993)
12:19 Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
13:39 George W. Bush (2001-2009)
14:47 Barack Obama (2009-2017)
16:16 Donald J. Trump (2017-2021)
17:09 Joe Biden (2021-2025)
Greatest Recorded Speeches in American History (1933-2008)
Toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" are now in the bloodstream of virtually every single person in the world. This is a look at this alarming problem, the ways Americans are working to solve it, and some common sense steps you can take to prevent exposure.
Subscribe to TDC: https://www.youtube.com/TheDailyConversation/
Information sources:
Shocking NYTimes PFAS in Sludge Investigation https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/27/climate/epa-pfas-fertilizer-3m-forever-chemicals.html
Valley elementary PFAS test results https://edu.fcps.org/ves/sites/ves/files/VES_PFAS_Results.pdf
Watch Documentary “The Devil We Know” https://youtu.be/NJFbsWX4MJM?si=PyXMvSvV_LH8oDCS
Video: Maine PFAS expert panel (Dr. Segal) https://youtu.be/vWt4OH1SKSU?si=Ii-lx_AsNCxodJ4c&t=1495
Video: Dairy farmer Fred Stone https://youtu.be/VA6SfWwZ1zM?si=bej104b8gtgkteNa&t=81
New York’s sludge wars are personal https://ambrook.com/research/environment/sludge-biosolids-farmland-New-York-PFAS
Maine sludge regulation https://mainemorningstar.com/2024/05/28/a-call-for-sludge-regulation/
Maine’s sludge disposal problem https://wgme.com/news/i-team/report-shows-maine-could-face-new-biosolid-capacity-crisis-2028-action-isnt-taken-sludge-wastewater-services-portland
California’s actions https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news-release/2021/10/landmark-california-law-bans-forever-chemicals-products-infants
State-by-state PFAS action tracker https://www.saferstates.org/bill-tracker/?toxic_chemicals=PFAS
Maryland PFAS action plan https://mde.maryland.gov/PublicHealth/SiteAssets/Pages/PFAS-Landing-Page/Maryland%20PFAS%20Action%20Plan%20December%202023.pdf
EPA introduces PFAS limits https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-finalizes-first-ever-national-drinking-water-standard#:~:text=For%20PFOA%20and%20PFOS%2C%20EPA,at%2010%20parts%20per%20trillion.
EPA PFAS road map https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2024-11/epas-pfas-strategic-roadmap-2024_508.pdf
Forever chemicals and advanced filtration methods https://www.nsf.org/knowledge-library/forever-chemicals-advancement-filtration-standards
$79 at-home water test kit https://cyclopure.com/product/water-test-kit-pfas/?srsltid=AfmBOoqiiy4xueKcex9EK1OGXYbVMdeUIOAebZGyR_rK65506SYX41r1
Video: Maine PFAS expert panel (Dr. Miriam Taleb) https://youtu.be/kGTiH3NAj6M?si=bpiNzmQ-qwuLmIaB&t=3195
Last summer, this elementary school learned that their well water was contaminated with toxic chemicals, so they switched to drinking bottled water.
It’s a situation that is playing out in wells, rivers and lakes and farms all across the country.
The culprit is PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, basically any kind of carbon atom that’s had all of its hydrogens replaced by fluorines. This compound is used in many products because it is extremely effective at resisting heat, water, stains, and oils.
But because PFASs are nearly impossible to break down, every time we wash or throw away and landfill products containing them, they enter our environment, contaminate our water and food supplies. They are increasingly associated with health issues like birth defects and cancer.
The danger PFAS poses came to light when a class action lawsuit showed that the chemical giant DuPont had - for years - been dumping thousands of tons of it into America’s freshwater supply, even though they knew how hazardous it was. The settlement resulted in tens of thousands of residents participating in a study that found strong links between drinking water contaminated with PFOA and diseases like kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, and high cholesterol.
“There’s a fairly good causal link between these chemicals and the development of not only obesity, but diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction like Parkinson’s disease.”
A recent NYTimes investigation revealed that much of the sludge in the US is contaminated with PFAS and that one of the leading manufacturers of it, chemical giant 3M, knew PFAS was linked to serious health consequences and that the company’s scientists had discovered it in sewage all over the country. But when they shared this information with the EPA in 2006, the agency did nothing.
Most disturbingly, the sludge-spreading program continues, with over 2 million tons applied annually on more than 4 million acres. Over the decades, farmers have permits to use sludge on as much as 70 million acres–that’s 20% of all the farmland in the country.
Data center detroit mayor geothermal megacities obama anger translator donald trump delhi los angeles TDC thedailyconversation the daily conversation Dupont AI
Northern Virginia has far more data centers than anywhere else on earth.
Subscribe to TDC: https://www.youtube.com/TheDailyConversation/
Virginia data center explosion explained https://virginiamercury.com/2024/05/28/virginia-explained-data-center-expansion-with-all-its-challenges-and-benefits/
Interactive Data Center Map https://www.datacentermap.com/content/nova/
FEMA National Risk [Interactive Map] https://hazards.fema.gov/nri/map
Northern Virginia is the 'heart of the Internet' https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/02/10/data-centers-northern-virginia-internet/
Virginia counties population density http://www.usa.com/rank/virginia-state--population-density--county-rank.htm
Loudoun economic development director on tax revenue https://youtu.be/rVxfTZqVtzY?si=z_wHDxmPMfMJGGzw&t=46
Quantum Loophole (Frederick County's massive campus) https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/analysis/quantum-loophole-heads-out-of-virginia-and-into-maryland/
Digital Gateway (Prince William) https://www.princewilliamtimes.com/news/prince-william-countys-massive-digital-gateway-data-center-development-nears-a-vote/article_79823248-7463-57ca-a3b6-a65b7d69af35.html
PJM Electricity import/export hourly map https://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/state-import-export-map.aspx
PJM Interconnection RTO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PJM_Interconnection
MPRP proposed route https://corporate.pseg.com/aboutpseg/companyinformation/thepsegfamilyofcompanies/psegrenewabletransmission/mprp-proposed-route.ashx
PJM regional transmission planning https://www.pjm.com/-/media/DotCom/library/reports-notices/2023-rtep/rtep-meeting-the-grids-future-needs.pdf
MPRP public hearing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8iX1-cRX08
AI electricity usage report https://www.epri.com/research/products/3002028905
Proposed Chesterfield gas power plant https://www.vaclimate.gmu.edu/blog/proposed-power-plant-chesterfield
Coastal Virginia offshore wind project https://coastalvawind.com/
North Anna nuclear license extended https://virginiabusiness.com/north-anna-gets-federal-ok-to-operate-through-2060/
Three Mile Island restarted https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/30/business/energy-environment/three-mile-island-nuclear-energy.html
US Department of Energy investing in burying transmission lines https://arpa-e.energy.gov/news-and-media/press-releases/us-department-energy-announces-34-million-improve-reliability
Google announces co-locating data centers with clean energy https://blog.google/inside-google/infrastructure/new-approach-to-data-center-and-clean-energy-growth/
AI poised to drive electricity demand https://www.goldmansachs.com/insights/articles/AI-poised-to-drive-160-increase-in-power-demand
This is the heart of the Internet: Loudoun County, Virginia. A third of all the online information is travelling through the fiber optic cables under all these data centers.
It’s all happening here because Loudoun is rated by FEMA as one of the most resilient counties - in terms of hazards - near Washington, D.C. and the 2,000 federal agencies headquartered there, who are big users of data. Plus it has the space to build: with a significantly lower population density than the other counties ringing DC.
In the 1990’s it was one of the Internet’s original “primary nodes,” the MAE-East network access point, although things are much more distributed now, with dense bundles of underground fiber-optic cables serving ultra-fast, low latency connections between the region’s growing data centers and all of our devices around the world, via lines running along the ocean floor.
This year we’ll get about three-quarters of a billion dollars in local tax revenue. There’s nothing out there that we’ve ever seen that generates the tax revenue that a data center does. We have about 31 million square feet right now with another 4 million that’s currently under development. And we’ll probably top out at around 40 million square feet or so.
This is an AWS data center.
Now that Loudoun’s nearly saturated, developers are building them throughout the region. In neighboring Prince William County and Frederick, across the Potomac in Maryland, they’re going big. Each county will see vast, 2,000-acre swaths of farmland turn into campuses with more than 20 million square feet of data centers.
Hourly map of electricity imports and exports shows, both Virginia and Maryland are already big net importers of electricity in the 11-state regional transmission organization called PJM, and these new data center campuses will add hundreds more megawatts to their loads.
So to make sure everyone has enough power, PJM has contracted the building of new high voltage transmission lines, including a 70-mile line cutting through Baltimore, Carroll, and Frederick Counties called the Maryland Piedmont Reliability Project, or MPRP.
0:00 Data Center Alley
1:29 Tax revenue
2:04 Local impact
3:16 Data center expansion
3:53 Electricity demand
5:15 New electricity production
6:10 Innovations to reduce lines
A "limitless" energy source lies beneath us: the heat constantly emanating from our planet’s 9,000 degree core.
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Top Sources:
Forge Utah [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@forgeutah7399
Energy Dept | Enhanced Geothermal Shot | [Article] https://www.energy.gov/topics/enhanced-geothermal-shot
Energy Dept | Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) [Article] https://www.energy.gov/eere/geothermal/enhanced-geothermal-systems#:~:text=In%20those%20cases%2C%20an%20enhanced,re%2Dopen%2C%20creating%20permeability.
Geothermal power is vying to be a major player | Nature [Article]
How fracking could unlock a clean energy future | WaPo [Article]
Utah’s Renewable Energy Corridor https://utahforge.com/2022/10/02/did-you-know-that-renewable-energy-corridors-can-be-the-future-of-energy-production/
Fervo Showed Fractured Geothermal Works, Now Must Do It Bigger… | Journal of Petroleum Engineers [Article] https://jpt.spe.org/fervo-showed-fractured-geothermal-works-now-must-do-it-bigger-cheaper-and-soon-restricted
ARPA-E | Innovation Summit w/Tim Latimer [Video] https://youtu.be/N4bK_RbkuIU?si=jBmWM142u7Zekb8r&t=780
Lazard | 2024 Levelized Cost of Energy [Report] https://www.lazard.com/media/xemfey0k/lazards-lcoeplus-june-2024-_vf.pdf
Liberty Energy Invests $10 million in Fervo [PR] https://investors.libertyenergy.com/news-and-events/press-releases/2022/07-25-2022-222715916
President-Elect Trump nominated Chris Wright for Secretary of Energy [Article] https://apnews.com/article/trump-2024-election-energy-secretary-d546f5f81d7b2347b49905be924dfcd7
Fervo | Tech Day 2024 [Video] https://vimeo.com/1009184419
DOE Geothermal Funding Office https://www.energy.gov/eere/geothermal/funding-notice-enhanced-geothermal-systems-egs-pilot-demonstrations
Energy Corridor Project Breaks Ground | Utah DOT [PR]
Fervo [Website] https://fervoenergy.com/
Power of Advanced Geothermal Systems | DOE [Video] https://youtu.be/4S3aiMxfwhY?si=mthppZXIQZjce67s
Until very recently, we could only capture geothermal in the few places it rises as steam from natural hot springs, like the Geysers in the Mayacamas Mountains of Northern California, the world’s largest complex of geothermal stations.
Now, a series of wise government investments and scientific breakthroughs have dramatically lowered the costs of efficiently drilling way down to tap this 24/7 power source that’s available in pretty much every state in America.
This is a look at Enhanced Geothermal Systems, or EGS.
A sparsely populated valley in Utah 200 miles south of Salt Lake City is becoming a hotbed of renewable energy development. Biofuel digesters turn the manure from the many pig farms into electricity. Hydrogen storage facilities lie among growing wind and solar arrays. But the most promising work is happening at FORGE, a first-of-its kind geothermal laboratory. The team there is led by Dr. Joseph Moore.
Utah Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy is a Department of Energy Project funded to generate electricity anywhere in the world. We can drill anywhere and find enough heat. But unfortunately those rocks don’t have the permeability - the cracks - that allow for water to circulate through them and extract the heat. So the goal of this project is to create a reservoir, a fractured volume that we can inject water into and then extract the water after it’s heated up. It’s the first time a project like this is being developed to learn how to make a reservoir where none existed naturally.
When we’re stimulating a well like this by injecting water and sand we’re trying to open fractures by doing just enough pressurization at that stage to where you propagate that fracture where you want it to go, but you don’t get fractures going in directions you don’t want to go. And you also know where your fractures are so you have sort of information about how you’ve changed this geothermal field with your activities.
This is the current state of the technology. Whereas conventional geothermal generation needs underground reservoirs in contact with hot rocks to send steam to the surface, Enhanced Geothermal Systems create their own by boring thousands of feet deep to their target: the rock layer that is constantly as hot as an oven, between 300 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Once at this target depth, engineers inject fluid at high pressure to create a network of fractures–which essentially act as a reservoir into which they inject a constant flow of water, which rapidly heats up and rises through the second well as steam, spinning a turbine and generating electricity.
Tunnels are being dug throughout the capital to keep the city safe from extreme events.
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Main Sources:
DC Flood Risks https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2023/dc-low-lying-city-flood-risks/
Potomac Basin https://potomacdwspp.org/resources/about-the-potomac-basin/
Flood proofing Federal Triangle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goFC7H8DN5o
CBS: Rising Waters in Tidal Basin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPLedIobHRw
New Flood Wall https://youtu.be/XMFcJ_ttSZI?si=1clHozSB2nlmKnV4&t=62
DC Water's Clean Rivers PDF https://www.dcwater.com/sites/default/files/project/2016-12/presentations/2024-04-10%20WABA%20%28WPP%29%20Briefing%20Presentation.pdf
DC Clean Rivers video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCOXuWgPnXw
Lady Bird Tunnel Boring Machine https://youtu.be/J5oEqtpB1go?si=1LgeBHozH_k9x1_u&t=69
Tour of Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant https://youtu.be/Rm_iyxwAx94?si=NCL1T0C_B-RLsOCY
0:00 An Innovative Foundation at the African American History museum
1:14 The geography of Washington, D.C.
1:57 National Mall (on a creek)
2:54 An (actual) swamp + Sea Level Rise
4:19 Combined sewer mega-tunnels
If too much water gushed into their giant pit, they could destabilize their neighbor, the great structure just a few hundred feet away, causing it to shift or even fall over.
So they acted quickly to pump water back in to stabilize it. When their instruments showed the ground pressure holding firm, they plugged up the leak and focused on modifying the museum’s design to mitigate this new risk.
To maximize its exhibit space, while limiting its above ground footprint, the museum’s first four levels are underground. To keep them dry, visitors safe, and the 91,000-ton monument next door standing tall, they encased the subterranean levels in two walls, with eight feet of porous stone fill in between, to catch and hold any water that might penetrate the foundation.
It was an ingenious solution, but for builders in the federal District of Columbia, dealing with a shallow water table is nothing new.
When President George Washington chose this idyllic spot to be the national capital, it was a land of farms and woods, rich with surface water. Small brooks trickled into streams, like Rock Creek. Marshes and tidal flats swelled and receded as the 14,700 square-mile Potomac basin drained through the District and mixed with the tidal flow of the Chesapeake Bay–the largest estuary in the United States. But as the city's boulevards and grand buildings were constructed over the past two-and-a-half centuries, 70% of these natural streams have disappeared: diverted into sewers, culverts, or filled in and paved over.
Tiber Creek flowed through what has become the National Mall. First, it was converted into a canal, and then piped into sewers buried beneath Federal Triangle. Today, this group of large neoclassical buildings - between Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues - is home to numerous large government agencies. It’s also the lowest point in downtown.
In 2006 it rained heavily for an entire week, leaving the Triangle submerged, causing tens of millions of dollars in damage and disrupting government operations.
It wasn’t the first time this has happened here.
Experts fear the most extreme storm would put the American History Museum under 16 feet of water.
Engineers have taken steps to protect the buildings, like installing temporary barriers, retractable gates, and raising core utilities out of their basements.
There’s even now a temporary levee that’s trucked over and dropped in along the Mall for added protection ahead of big storms.
But throughout the rest of DC, an estimated 16,000 homes and businesses have had little protection from flooding when it rains.
Some residents have water gush in from the street, others confront it bubbling up from their toilets when old sewers overflow and long-buried “zombie” streams gurgle back to life.
On the southernmost edge of the district, along the Potomac, another major flooding threat looms. Over the past century, the waterline has effectively risen four feet, a combination of sea level rise and the land sinking under the weight of development.
During high tide, when the ocean pushes the Chesapeake Bay further up the Potomac, 250 million gallons of river water enter the Tidal Basin. But it was constructed in 1897, it can no longer contain the river at high tide, causing the walking paths around the monuments and iconic cherry trees to flood twice a day like clockwork.
Atlanta Megacity Megacities Detroit Pittsburgh Philadelphia Delhi Los Angeles Chicago Lincoln memorial capital one Georgetown highlights commanders wizards capitals art museum national history natural history Smithsonian MLK Obama Mall Metro FDR Jefferson
Why health care matters most to me in the 2024 election.
How to vote https://www.nass.org/can-i-vote/find-your-polling-place
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For the last two years, I have witnessed one of my closest loved ones battle cancer. It has not been easy. Thankfully, they were covered under an Obamacare plan when they were diagnosed, received excellent treatment from a dedicated, professional medical team, and are now doing well.
This is the first election in our lifetimes where a former president is running against a sitting member of the current administration, giving us a rare opportunity to compare exactly what they’ve done on the issues.
On healthcare most of all, the candidates' actions reflect their overall priorities, while revealing whose interests their parties are really looking out for.
Donald Trump campaigned heavily in 2016 on repealing Obamacare, and as President he almost succeeded.
[Trump in 2016: “Repeal Obamacare”] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-VTbt-i_b4
But a thumbs down from Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona, blocked Trump’s effort to repeal the law by just one vote, 51-49.
[John McCain gives final thumbs down to Trump] https://youtu.be/hT2pp_KrJGg?si=mlXKxH1w7cFXeRhD&t=8
So President Trump overrode Congress by using his executive power to cut the help the government gave to millions of struggling Americans.
[President Trump hits Obamacare again] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/12/us/politics/trump-obamacare-executive-order-health-insurance.html
Then, we had the largest health emergency in modern history. Imagine how much worse COVID could have been if President Trump and the Republicans had succeeded in gutting our public healthcare system.
Now they are ready to try again. The current Republican Speaker of the House, who will control Congress if President Trump wins, said this week, quote “health care reform’s going to be a big part of the agenda.”
[Speaker Johnson on health care reform] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/speaker-johnson-criticizes-obamacare-promises-massive-reform-trump-win-rcna177853
On the other hand, Democrats under the Obama/Biden/Harris trio have helped tens of millions of people gain regular access to a doctor.
[More than 20 million covered in Obamacare marketplace] https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/written-materials/2024/01/24/record-marketplace-coverage-in-2024-a-banner-year-for-coverage/
...and flattening the cost of healthcare that had been - up that point - quickly rising for decades.
[Health care as % of US GDP] https://www.statista.com/statistics/184968/us-health-expenditure-as-percent-of-gdp-since-1960/#:~:text=U.S.%20health%20expenditure%20as%20percent%20of%20GDP%201960%2D2022&text=In%202022%2C%20U.S.%20national%20health,GDP%20share%20among%20developed%20countries.
Think about that. If everything is as bad as President Donald Trump says it is, why is it a good idea to throw one of the biggest and most important sectors in our economy into chaos without even presenting a plan for what would come next?
The facts are clear: President Donald Trump and the Republicans tried to take healthcare away from my family - and tens of millions of others across the country. This is not a game.
Please join us in defeating their efforts by declaring that in the richest country in the history of the world, none of its citizens will go without healthcare.
2024 Pre-Election Cold Open - SNL
The inspiring story of Detroit, Michigan’s comeback a decade after declaring for bankruptcy--a revitalization effort led by Mayor Mike Duggan.
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Main Video and Information Sources:
Mayor Duggan plows snow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb-R9bhslTo
Mayor-elect Duggan on bankruptcy https://youtu.be/Eydmk4ez8fI
Emergency response time https://youtu.be/8tA8w9YlCms
Abandoned home crackdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7sU-Vgo8lo
10,000th abandoned house knocked down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRsQT1JpMkQ
Demolishing homes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFRZQCDWEwg
Demolition tracker map https://detroitmi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/instant/nearby/index.html?appid=41ba8dd946d842b9ba632ecc0a5d2556
NY Times: Detroit’s Rebound
Detroit grows in population https://detroitmi.gov/news/detroit-grows-population-first-time-decades#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20estimate%2C%20Detroit,population%20for%20Detroit%20was%20631%2C366.
15 exciting projects https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/15-new-detroit-developments-to-be-excited-about-photos/Slideshow/32734721/32735396
Michigan Central renovation https://youtu.be/slcLc22urqw
Gordie Howe international bridge https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordie_Howe_International_Bridge
Joe Louis Greenway https://detroitgreenways.org/projects/joe-louis-greenway/
Mayor Duggan day after 2024 NFL draft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXipJ4yFrgI
Carjackings down https://detroitmi.gov/sites/detroitmi.localhost/files/2024-03/Figure-Carjackings.jpg
Murders down https://detroitmi.gov/opportunities/detroit-tackling-crime-across-city
Mayor Mike Duggan with Police Chief James White (and crisis intervention clips) https://youtu.be/e-CQLIGHOAE?si=79awQr_g941D0_jP
Mayor Duggan discusses Detroit’s transformation https://youtu.be/NjATKPlr3O0?si=Jjtqf6D8_as6NhRS
New skilled trades training center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZXbr1vK_Xc
Detroit's historic architecture:
“Flew Too Close to the Sun” Stephen Keech
“Look at You” The Satellite Station
“Endless Travel” Tiko Tiko
“Mountain Climbing” C.K. Martin
“Trop” Greg McKay
“Chapters” Josh Leake
0:00 Welcome to Detroit
0:28 Bankruptcy
1:15 Demolition Man
3:02 Rebirth
3:48 Old is New for Ford at Michigan Central
4:36 Book Tower's facelift
4:43 University of Michigan comes downtown
4:57 Gordie Howe International Bridge to Canada
5:20 Riverfront=Park and Joe Louis Greenway Loop
5:35 NFL Draft Spotlights the Comeback
5:49 America's best police department?
6:13 Confronting the mental health crisis: Mayor Duggan & Chief White
7:58 Crisis intervention team [TRIGGER WARNING - suicide and self-harm interventions]
11:44 Tackling poverty
12:37 Take the Us vs. Them Politics out of it: "Tell 'em what you're gonna do for them"
Ten years ago, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan hopped in a snow plow on his first day in office to assess how well the government he’d just taken charge of was performing its most basic service.
It was a make-or-break moment for the Motor City, having just become the largest municipality in American history to file for bankruptcy.
100 years earlier, in the roaring ‘20s, Detroit vied with Chicago and New York to be the skyscraper capital of the world. In the 1950s its population peaked at 1.8 million, but decades of factory closures, rising crime, and migration to the suburbs cut it by nearly 2/3rds, to about 680,000 in 2013–too small a taxbase to pay the city’s bills without help from the state of Michigan and federal government.
Luckily, the newly elected mayor knew exactly what to do.
“We won’t come out of bankruptcy until we do have the prospect for a balanced budget going forward, and then the question is are we competent enough to manage so that we never slip back again.”
Duggan’s plan focused on performing the city’s core services well again, and after a decade of hard-fought, incremental progress, the results speak for themselves.
“New equipment helps with emergency response times. Detroit is already below the national average at seven minutes 33 seconds. For context, before bankruptcy, wait times could top 20 minutes.”
Most calls had been the result of crime in and around Detroit’s 40,000 abandoned houses.
Abandoned blight river canada windsor ontario governor gretchen whitmer james white police chief dpd mental health unit economy election 2024 campaign speech donald trump garbage michigan central book tower university of michigan um uofm wolverines highlights pistons tigers lions red wings goff brown ambassador bridge nfl draft bears vikings minnesota minneapolis pennsylvania philadelphia chicago illinois new york bryce plank tdc thedailyconversation gordie howe international bridge border checkpoint wayne county turnout pete buttigieg
How Atlanta is transforming from car-dependent sprawl into a web of walkable urban communities connected by low-carbon transportation options. With 50% of its land shaded by trees, the ATL is the most successful urban forest in the United States.
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Videos quoted:
History of MARTA https://youtu.be/t2r1YMC9Sm4?si=0ZmFHkLMAm3OZiKK
Westside BeltLine opens https://youtu.be/6z1RMvGgj2M?si=IWnTi1nIIHfHN4C2
A Highway to Independence for disabled https://youtu.be/D5D3XpTC9UY?si=ODtxC-kBROaMXTnX
Losing weight on the BeltLine https://youtu.be/dwDfOy2wq2M?si=C9RmqqrA3w_w2r1f
Mayor Andre Dickens interview: streetcar on the beltline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM6sCd7m9Fo
Faction: small driverless vehicles https://youtu.be/f7XigUsgZ8I?si=YiXaU_N5UeHQihCE
Dangerously crowded Beltline https://youtu.be/-D4yML7DfTc?si=6BI5f3eIILbVj2Qo
E-bike rebate program https://youtu.be/LBNkdY1qlJI?si=XOh6F6Hok0wDnfLA
Centennial yards https://youtu.be/mODC7wTMgDQ?si=7Gq_d3hGHh18QmAx
Conversation with developer Christopher Leinberger https://youtu.be/htP03f3YIAU?si=E9rdKK8Ic_NQUMsA
Other sources:
Sixth largest metro
Southern US
Metro Atlanta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metro_Atlanta
$207 Million for The Stitch https://atlanta.urbanize.city/post/downtown-stitch-construction-project-beltline-funding-207-million
Beltline & Transit Map https://i0.wp.com/saportareport.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/BeltLine-transit-map.png.webp?w=950&ssl=1
MARTA BRT https://www.itsmarta.com/brt.aspx
Centennial Yards https://centennialyards.com/
Few places in the U.S. will see more climate migrants than Atlanta https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/04/atlantas-population-could-boom-as-people-flee-sea-level-rise-wildfires-and-hurricanes/#:~:text=Atlanta%2C%20unlike%20most%20major%20cities,large%20bodies%20of%20water%20upstream
Least dense major metros https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/17nu3gj/oc_population_density_spread_of_the_largest_50/
Where it all went wrong for MARTA https://www.atlantamagazine.com/great-reads/marta-tsplost-transportation/
"Adamah, Instrumental" - Tristan Barton
"Better Believe" - Tiko Tiko
"Run, Instrumental" - Tristan Barton
0:00 Welcome to Atlanta
1:01 How slavery and segregation held the ATL back
1:38 The impact of the BeltLine
2:51 Streetcar on the Beltline
3:20 Small driverless vehicles
4:14 Is it already too crowded?
5:01 E-bike rebate program
5:16 The Stitch
5:49 MARTA and Bus Rapid Transit
6:10 Centennial Yards downtown redevelopment
6:25 America's embrace of walkable urbanism
6:45 Future growth and environmental challenges
7:40 The most successful urban forest in the country
This is Futurizing Atlanta Home to the government of Georgia, the Centers for Disease Control, top universities, and numerous Fortune 100 companies, Atlanta is the largest state capital by population in the nation and last year jumped ahead of Miami, Philly, and DC to become the 6th largest metro area. It is the dynamic hub of the South and has the busiest airport in the world.
But its public transportation system has been left behind after decades of underfunding. When white residents left the city for the suburbs, they elected leaders who perpetuated segregationist policies.
This racism is what Atlanta’s most storied man, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his fellow Civil Rights activists, struggled against.
BeltLine, currently one of the largest-scale urban renewal projects in the United States. The nearly complete, 22-mile network of multi-use trails and parks along a former rail corridor that loops around downtown
westside APS schools, Atlanta University Center
Streetcar Mayor Andre Dickens
driverless pods, but it’s an alternative that might provide more value and flexibility.
For example, a company called Faction uses small, lightweight vehicles that are much cheaper to build, and use just 10% of the energy of a traditional ev.
Atlanta was awarded a $207 million Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods grant from the Biden-Harris administration’s infrastructure bill to help build Phase 1 of The Stitch
The Stitch will also feature the Civic Center station of MARTA, the city’s two-line metro network
Atlantans falcons braves hawks university emory cdc georgia tech Bus Rapid Transit. redevelopment Mercedes Benz stadium ‘The Gulch.’
Hurricane Helene Florida Gulf Coast and river swept North Carolina mountains Westside Park
the most successful urban forest in the United States with 50% of its land shaded by trees
Trey young acuna coca cola home depot truist park olympics 1996 olympics
Discover Philadelphia, America's first major city.
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Video & Information Sources
Independence Hall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNXV39ifCYM
Franklin's Spark documentary https://youtu.be/5vLw_xGtXYI?si=-iI6ZH5uydqy32SJ
Rev. John Norwood on William Penn and the Lenni-Lenape https://youtu.be/qyj5aCcSV18?si=rJDHEv1ROtl7ooB-
Parkway 100: Envisioning the Future https://youtu.be/UICbDSNUKjg?si=NLIa37sU9puloTna
'Rocky' stairs clip https://youtu.be/_YYmfM2TfUA?si=Tq-Vi0HHlmRVvCKJ
Riverfront park project capping I-95 https://youtu.be/OYKnakgwRBA?si=PdVFdjJ2nyyX8iEe
1980 The Year in Sports https://youtu.be/xQQMxP7TjoE?si=vttLSzYy1A4swQ4T
Association of Public Art https://youtu.be/VswBRt9Qqho?si=_1UqCfue8wu_FCsV
Philly wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia
City of Firsts https://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org/themes/city-of-firsts/
Benjamin Franklin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Franklin
"Ever Since - Instrumental" Oliver Michael
"The Edge of Time" Will Van De Crommert
"Sunrise" Blaehubb
"Back to Bach" Will Van De Crommert
"The Star Spangled Banner" Ian Post
0:00 Welcome to Philly
0:21 Birthplace of the United States
1:05 Benjamin Franklin
1:50 William Penn's Philadelphia
2:24 City of Brotherly Love
2:48 Creating the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
4:33 Old City I-95 Cap Project & Park
4:45 Philadelphia Sports
5:18 Public Art City
5:56 An M.D. Capital
6:12 "City of Firsts"
By Bryce Plank
The 341 Year Old Secret to America's Success: Philadelphia
Johannesburg, South Africa's largest megacity, lies on the world's largest gold basin, but still struggles to keep the power on.
Subscribe to TDC: https://www.youtube.com/TheDailyConversation/
Video & Information Sources:
Illegal miners https://youtu.be/sVQWFmy2A_k?si=szzYzvtcGPdAXSkZ
Disturbed neighbors https://youtu.be/ObBuPtvXfnY?si=ixLM9x3m-Nek2D-l
Joburg's unemployed in Soweto https://youtu.be/s-Eiti4i2uc?si=YeM3m2CyE22uhyEI
Mandela released https://youtu.be/F37UPYyvl4I?si=v_FMVUT2cCEsq-ad
Electricity crisis https://youtu.be/n6Jjmuf8UKk?si=mxW8nDhAp88gkMyA
Power cuts hurting businesses https://youtu.be/xXf2jGm0muU?si=hbhJH5eR5BFG3uPJ
Solar energy revolution https://youtu.be/DBp3V016l9w?si=GbffX3QbgyWkTesX
Exposing crime in Eskom https://youtu.be/DBp3V016l9w?si=GbffX3QbgyWkTesX
Andre De Ruyter interview https://youtu.be/6gF2dYQ-NdM?si=UwRaPlLa-y00CFi0
Report on poisoning https://youtu.be/2sMtcFEvgXs?si=3HdrGn7x7cDCjN6M
De Ruter remote interview https://youtu.be/_u_x171wHr0?si=bu7NufbDPyPvlB1e
State owned companies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-owned_enterprises_of_South_Africa
2024 election results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtyLlqhygmU
Fumani Mthembi interview https://youtu.be/a9-5C_DuoYc?si=PcfPSc5dfkhHFHjS
South Africa's electricity sources https://www.iea.org/countries/south-africa/electricity
Legacy of mining tails https://e360.yale.edu/features/the_haunting_legacy_of_south_africas_gold_mines
Wealthiest countries in Africa https://www.statista.com/statistics/1182866/major-cities-in-africa-by-total-private-wealth/#statisticContainer
Most unequal country https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/field/gini-index-coefficient-distribution-of-family-income/country-comparison
How organized crime is blighting South Africa https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2022/10/20/how-organised-crime-is-blighting-south-africas-economy
The unhinged city: surviving Johannesburg documentary https://youtu.be/FZh9liTSDx0?si=KIhSFfILl5HAILY4
"Convolution" - Amos Ever Hadani
"The World Is Mine - Instrumental" - The Ladyproducer
"The Dream - Remix" - Bishki
"BREAD" - Jaylikethealphabet
"Run With The Wolves" - Ardie Son
"The New World" - Ardie Son
"Gone But Not Forgotten" - Jake Bradford-Sharp
"Wonder - No Strings" - Tristan Barton
"Rework Rebuild Restart" - Jake Bradford-Sharp
"Last Resort" - Jake Bradford-Sharp
0:00 City of Gold
0:40 Illegal miners
2:18 Rich JoBurgers
2:40 Unemployment
3:48 Apartheid & Nelson Mandela
5:09 ANC
5:52 Soweto
6:12 Electricity crisis
7:06 Beautiful Johannesburg
7:40 Solar can "Free our nation"
8:29 Uncovering Eskom's corruption
9:32 CEO blows the whistle
12:27 2024 election humbles the ANC
13:06 An African Powerhouse?
Created by Bryce Plank
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