Всем привет! Меня зовут Сеня и мне 8 лет! Я очень люблю Машинки для детей, распаковку и сборку машинок! =) Hi everybody! My name is Senya and I'm eight! Subscribe to my channel and watch interesting kids videos!
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Collection of funny videos for children from Super Senya
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✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Pink vs Black Challenge by Super Senya and Niki 30 min for kids
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Senya and Dad Ride the New Super Pink Car
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Super Senya and Niki Play Veterinarians
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Super Senya and his POP IT CAR
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✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Senya and Nika will have a little brother or sister
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Senya and Dad like Superhero playing with Superhero EGGS TOYS
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Senya and Dad Play Lego Prison in real life
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Super Senya and Hot vs Cold Challenge with Mom
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
Senya is testing New Cars for kids
Please, Subscribe:
✰ Super Senya https://goo.gl/qnLlgH
✰ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/super_senya/
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