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  • Category: Science and Technology
  • Country: United States

I'm a science maniac that loves building huge lasers and playing with electricity and chemicals. Officially I am a chemist, but I get my hands dirty in all aspects of mad science. When it comes to building stuff, I'm certainly an "old school" kind of maker as I'd rather use a hacksaw and soldering iron than design 3D parts on a computer. I started this channel in 2006 and handle all of the building, filming, and editing by myself. This means you'll never get a set upload schedule. :D What I lack in video editing skills I try to make up with crazy and original content! Need help with a project? Or do you just want to chat about science projects with other tinkerers? If so, join my Discord server! There are TONS of knowledgeable members there, so if I can't help with a question, they can! It really is an amazing community.

laser diy science make electricity high voltage

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styropyro has 2.7M subscribers. styropyro has had 263.0M total views.
How many views does styropyro get per video?
styropyro gets 1.3M views per episode on average. styropyro has published 199 videos.
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What categories does styropyro belong to?
styropyro belongs to the Science and Technology category, and the creators are from United States.

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