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Steve the Bartender
  • Category: How to and Style
  • Country: Australia

Want to know more about about Steve the Bartender? I have 20+ years of experience working in the hospitality industry. In 2012 I founded a mobile cocktail bartending business and created cocktails for people at hundreds of private functions and events. I started my YouTube channel in 2015 which has since grown into a community of well over 750,000 cocktail enthusiasts. My easy-to-follow cocktail videos have now been viewed over 80 million times. I find myself incredibly lucky and humbled to be surrounded by a community that is as passionate about cocktails as I am. I recently released my own book, Steve the Bartender's Cocktail Guide. It's the ultimage guide for the beginner to intermediate home and professional bartender. It includes an intro to cocktails, spirits 101, etc. as well as 125 modern and classic cocktail recipes including full page photos and QR codes linking to a step-by-step video. Check it out at COCKTAILGUIDE.COM Business enquiries welcome.

Bartender Cocktails Recipe

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Steve the Bartender Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Steve the Bartender have?
Steve the Bartender has 783.0K subscribers. Steve the Bartender has had 85.3M total views.
How many views does Steve the Bartender get per video?
Steve the Bartender gets 117.7K views per episode on average. Steve the Bartender has published 725 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Steve the Bartender YouTube channel?
You can visit the Steve the Bartender YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Steve the Bartender mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Steve the Bartender belong to?
Steve the Bartender belongs to the How to and Style category, and the creators are from Australia.

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