If you're after a straight talking, tough loving hype girl who wants you to live your best, most confident and happiest life - then you've come to the right place. Here we celebrate our differences. Our individuality. Our quirks. Our weirdness. We don't need to blend into the crowd or fit a narrow standard of beauty. We're creating our own reality, and i'm walking with you as we empower each other to live our best lives. For all business enquiries, brand collaborations or influencer opportunities, please contact [email protected]
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Fillers are out - facelifts are in.
Get your own Typology Tinted Skincare here: https://shorturl.at/fbtDU PLUS 1 x FREE Bi-Phase Eye Makeup Remover added to all orders over $40 (only when you shop directly via that link) This offer is valid for one week after this video goes live, so hurry!
These are my favourite Typology products:
glow drops: https://bit.ly/3E4wu8S
serum mascara: https://bit.ly/3PB5PTR
tinted lip oil: https://bit.ly/3E4wkhM
Remember when fillers and botox were basically unheard of? And to get them would have cost thousands? Well fast forward to 2025 and they’re so normalised, that they’re just another part of us girls beauty routine. ‘Maintenance’ if you will, to prevent the signs of ageing. Well, move over botox and filler - there’s a new kid in town. Enter the *facelift*. I’m not talking the kind of face-lift that Joan Rivers and Priscilla Presley had, no no - plastic surgery has come a LONG way in the last few years, and there are now 13 different kinds of facelift you can get, from the ‘mini’ facelift, to the PonyTail facelift (which Bella Hadid and Kylie Jenner are rumoured to have undergone) and that’s just the ones that I’m aware of. You can even get the scars hidden in your hairline so no one will ever know. If you’ve ever wondered why some (rich and famous and well connected) women have the magical ability to ‘age in reverse’ - this would be why. An expertly done, likely very expensive facelift. Which is neither here nor there really. If it makes you feel good and you love the results, then go for it! However it’s a little mean to glorify the women with the finances and resources to get a well done facelift for ‘ageing backwards’ when it’s not ageing backwards at all - it’s a facelift. It can make the women who dont have access to that kind of disposable income and connections feel awful about themselves in comparison, for NOT having the ability to age in reverse. Let’s call it for what it is. It’s work done. It’s surgery. It’s a facelift. It’s ok! What’s not really ok though, is the fact that even girls in their TWENTIES are now getting facelifts done too. Give it a few years, and I think facelifts - which ever variation you choose, will be seen as normal. Part of our womanly ‘maintenance’. Yikes.
Thank you so much to Typology for sponsoring todays video!
i think the girls need help
Get your own Intimina Bloom Period Underwear here: https://intimina.se/BloomXSTEPHANIE and you can use STEPHANIE10 for 10% off.
Whether its endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, infertility, chronic fatigue, IBS, chronic pain, constipation, or ‘hot girl stomach issues’ - it seems like everyone is suffering from some kind of debilitating health issue these days. And it makes me wonder… wtf is actually going on? Why are the girls suffering? So I began looking into it. And what I found made me mad. If its not endocrine disrupting chemicals in our ‘self care’ products (what an oxymoron), it’s toxic tampons laced with heavy metals, or ‘0 calorie’ diet culture processed food items instead of nourishment. Our hormones are out of balance, our digestive systems are a mess, our reproductive systems are struggling, and I’m not surprised. Honestly girls, we deserve better.
*Thank you Intimina for sponsoring this video x
Seriously... wtf are we doing to the female body? How have we stooped so low, that to have the ‘ideal female’ body, we need help from a plastic surgeon?
Get your own silk Manta Sleep mask here: https://bit.ly/4giInWT and use code: STEPHANIE10 - Thank you so much to Manta Sleep for sponsoring this video!
It’s no secret that influencers and celebrities influence what we see at the ideal female body. But somewhere along the way, we’ve gone from idolising influencers like Marilyn Monroe’s hourglass body, to influencers like Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian. We’ve got BBLs and bum fillers and boob jobs and even plastic surgery to make your foot look prettier. How can any of us feel self confident in a society that scrutinises every square inch of our female anatomy - and tells us it’s flawed?! It’s really no wonder that so many women are turning to the help of plastic surgeons to sculpt them the ‘perfect’ female body… with disastrous results.
Love you guys, and i'll see you next week for a new video! In the mean time, come say hi on Instagram (@_stephanielange_) the only other social media platform i hang out on. xx
We’ve been sold the lie that not only will preventative botox stop us from getting wrinkles, but that it is safe, effective, and the key to eternal youth. But guys, I hate to break it to you - but they scammed us with that one. New evidence suggests that not only will ‘baby botox’ NOT make us look younger for longer, but that it will actually make us age FASTER. WHAT?! How can this be? In theory, since botox effectively paralyses the muscles in your face, which means they can’t form facial expressions, then that should mean that they also don’t have the ability to cause you to get wrinkles on the surface of your skin… right? Well, yes. Technically. But think about what happens to a muscle that you never move… yep. It weakens, and wastes away. Which in the case of someone who has been getting botox since their twenties (or even worse, teens!) this is not good news. Weakened and atrophied facial muscles will NOT make you look younger - they will actually cause you to look older than your actual age, as they will not have the ability to hold your facial skin where its supposed to sit, and the result of that is - a drooping, saggy face. Not really an issue in someone who doesn’t care about the effects of ageing, but kind of the opposite of what you want when you pay your hard earned money to have BOTOX injected to keep you looking younger. Sure, you may not get wrinkles, but if the alternative is prematurely causing your muscles to atrophy, and causing your face to appear older than it is… I’d rather keep the wrinkles thanks.
Who cares about your kids privacy and safety when you could exploit them instead for social media clout?, fame & money! Use code stephlange at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: http://incogni.com/stephlange
Sharing photos of your kids to a private social media account with 20 followers of people you know and trust is not the same as purposefully exploiting your child’s every waking moment, every tantrum, every blowout, every bath in order to gain social media likes, followers and cash - but that's exactly what a growing number of mothers are enthusiastically and unapologetically doing on TikTok. Posting videos and content of their children, in totally inappropriate videos, pictures and thumbnails, in order to grow a following - and to make money. We even have mother's who will willingly exploit their children's privacy and issues, in order to scam their followers into donating large sums of money to line their already full pockets.
Unfortunately, given that so many of these mother's have gone on to achieve worldwide Internet fame and millions of dollars in return for posting content of their underage, non-consenting children for strangers to consume, it has inspired a whole new hoard of mother's who want to do the same. Internet security is no joke. Please take it seriously. And please, if you see content you feel is inappropriate on TikTok (or any other social media platform) please report it. If these mother's wont protect their children's privacy - then we need to do it on their behalf. x
*thank you to Incogni for sponsoring this video, and allowing me to spend weeks creating it. I think this is my longest video essay ever.
Can you believe shows like this used to exist?! This is the ‘butterface’ contest where the woman with the best body and ‘ugliest’ face wins $25k. Is any amount of money worth this kind of degradation and humiliation?! I feel so sorry for these beautiful women, the judges need to go to specsavers.
Full video on my channel.
you know we've got a problem when its more socially acceptable to insult yourself than it is to say you think you're beautiful! Thank you Lumineux for sponsoring this video! Use my link for $5 off the 21 pack! https://amazon.lumineuxhealth.com/amazon/StephanieLange21pack
WHY do us women seem to hate women who know they're beautiful? Why IS it so frowned upon to say 'I know i'm pretty'. Why IS it seen as more normal to talk crap about ourselves, than it is to compliment ourselves? It's so strange to me, as we're all 'women should support women' - but only if she's not too pretty (and even worse - if she KNOWS she's pretty). Then, instead of supporting this woman, we try to bring her down! It's almost as if her knowing her beauty, reduces ours in some way. I'm not even saying it's wrong, to be honest. I think that it boils down to the fact that we see attractive women who know they're attractive, as being arrogant. And so, we try to bring them down a notch. But why? Why don't we ALL feel confident enough to say, when we think we look really pretty? Why DO women hate beautiful women? Or is it just that we don't like 'arrogant' women?
If you've ever experienced bullying for 'being too pretty' please share your experience in the comment section!
Love ya guts xx
pretty privilege is over. UGLY is now cool. i know - it's hard to believe. it's no secret that girls everywhere are undergoing a range of different procedures to try and force their face and body into fitting the current standard of beauty. BBLs, lip filler, botox, veneers, liposuction, acrylic nails, hair extensions - the list never ends! so how on earth is it, that now being UGLY is actually the new pretty?
Well... it's pretty simple. We're all getting a bit bored of looking the same. Changing ourselves to fit in. We're sick of looking around and every female is starting to morph into the ONE FACE. There's beauty in diversity. And in a sea of instagram model clones, the new way to stand out - is to look *ugly*.
Now when I say ugly, I dont mean you're hideous or repulsive to look at. Quite the opposite actually. That may have been the definition of ugly centuries ago, before tweakments were a thing, but now? In 2024? Girls think theyre ugly if they dont look like a bratz doll. you have a nose bigger than your barbie's? You're ugly. Got petite lips? Ugly. Does your body behave like a normal body in that you have cellulite, a belly and stretch marks? Sorry, you're 'ugly' too.
But if being pretty in 2024 means surgically altering everything about yourself that makes you YOU? I'd rather be *ugly*
Stephi xx
Follow me on Instagram: @_stephanielange_
Work / Business enquiries you can contact me here: [email protected]
why DO so many influencers go broke? let’s start with the delusional belief that the influencing money will last forever. that the popularity you may currently have on your chosen social media platform, will just continue growing - unfortunately, it doesn’t always work like that. Spending everything that you earn and THEN some, on frivolous things like designer handbags and shoes, flying on private jets and leasing range rovers and g-wagons is only going to send you broke. But I get it. When you suddenly start earning more money that you ever expected, it can burn a hole in your pocket. Saving and investing seems so boring compared to shopping trips and luxury hauls. But getting in control of your finances is SO important - and empowering! I dont care if you earn $20 an hour or $2000. Learning about personal finance, so that YOU control your money instead of it controlling you - is SO important.
I speak from experience. I used to be $27,000 in debt, and I was in my early 20s! Honestly, I’m not even sure what I spent it on, because I had nothing to show for it. When I realised the mess I was in, you best believe I started to learn about money, because I did NOT like the stress and worry that debt bought along with it.
Here’s a few of my favourite books and podcasts on money:
- Dave Ramsey! His books are what I read when I needed to get out of debt (I know some people think he’s a bit rude (and he can be), but he also has very solid advice surrounding debt!)
- 'You are a badass at making money' book by Jen Sincero
You can follow me on Instagram here: @_stephanielange_
And email me here: [email protected]
yep... you read it right! for the first time ever, one of my videos was removed from the YouTube platform in a false copyright strike. (but it's back! you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/cPCDWA4jSjI ) false copyright strikes on YouTuber's channel are a big deal. get 3 in a row and your channel will quite literally be deleted from the platform, so to place a copyright strike on another creators video is very controversial. unfortunately, a luxury influencer did just this to me last month. a video (designer brands are for broke girls) that i had spent 2 weeks straight working on, was removed from YouTube by a fellow content creator Tamara Kalinic, and I was devastated. i work SO hard on my content. I dont have a researcher, script writer, video editor or thumbnail creator - i do every thing myself because i want to create the best content i can for my subscribers. so to have a video deleted from YouTube was so disheartening for me. I have noting against Tamara, I think her content is aspirational and her lifestyle is very enviable. she is a luxury influencer and incredibly good at her job (I was even getting influenced watching her!) but I do wish that she would have approached me prior to launching a strike on my channel, as it's incredibly unfair. we may have opposing views on luxury and designer items, but that's ok! she is entitled to her opinion as I am to mine.
i know luxury items and designer goods are paraded around as being almost a token of social status - but please, dont go into debt to look rich. you dont need to keep up with influencers, and even luxury influencing has its drawbacks. xx
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