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Sri Lanka Rupavahini
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Rupavahini (TV) Corporation, the State Television stands for the benefit of all Sri Lankans. We do recognise the peoples diversity of expectations, values , interests and needs. We reach our target groups in Sinhala, Tamil and English languages. The Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, the National Television Network was commissioned on 15th February 1982. Its studio complex is situated in Colombo the commercial capital of Sri Lanka. Our Vision is The continuing Audio Visual Icon of Sri Lankans. Our Mission is With commitment and unity,creating timely, meaningful and intuitive programmes rich in knowledge, entertainment and education and disseminating them chiseled with state-of-the-art technology exceeding the expectations of Sri Lankans everywhere. Address : P.O. Box 2204, Independance Square Colombo - 07 Sri Lanka00700 Contact: Tel - +94 112 50 10 50 Fax -+94 112 58 09 29

Rupavahini Corporation LKA Music Sports rupavahini musical sinhala political programmes rupavahini news rupavahini teledrama

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How many subscribers does Sri Lanka Rupavahini have?
Sri Lanka Rupavahini has 1.3M subscribers. Sri Lanka Rupavahini has had 245.6M total views.
How many views does Sri Lanka Rupavahini get per video?
Sri Lanka Rupavahini gets 9.2K views per episode on average. Sri Lanka Rupavahini has published 26.7K videos.
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You can visit the Sri Lanka Rupavahini YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Sri Lanka Rupavahini mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Sri Lanka Rupavahini belong to?
Sri Lanka Rupavahini belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Sri Lanka.

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