it's hard to believe that I wasn't always walking around wondering if my existence has any meaning to it. I used to be a big meatball without any thoughts or consciousness and would chew on crayons and eat glue. god i miss those times.
thank you to the people who voiced their stories in this video!!:
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#animation #squizzy #animated
i rode on a plane from texas to sydney. worst mistake of my life. never flying again. i like having my feet on the ground, thank you very much. also never eating again! i will feed on air for the rest of my life. in fact, let's just skip to the end and just never live agai
yes this is a storytime and yes it's different content please don't yell at me
i actually plan to do more long-form content in the future so stick around or else
thank you to @weest and @kingani for the additional voices in the video!
other stuff:
♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#animation #squizzy #story
a quick goofy collaboration with @nevercakegames
(you guys shouldn't actually go around leaking peoples addresses it's really bad this video is a joke ok thank u)
(also im working on a BIGGG upload after this so there wont be videos for a while, stay tuned!!!)
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♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#animation #animationmeme #nevercake
https://www.patreon.com/sneksucks (important patreon pls click)
don't demonetize me for drawing pretty ladies that you wont last 30 seconds to it's just a funny animation
other stuff:
♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#animation #youwontlast30seconds #animationmeme
april fools (but really, there isn't a jumpscare!)
other stuff:
♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#idk #aprilfools #animation
i havent seen the new batman movie yet but i wanna guess there is a scene like this
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♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
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♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#batman #batmananimation #animation
i've been playing elden ring for around 90 hours. i have not moved from my seat. i eat, sleep and defecate in the same spot for days. if i move, my hands start shaking because i'm not playing elden ring. if anything else except elden ring is on my monitor, i start punching it out of fear of the unknown. i do not know anything else except elden ring. Thank you From Software. Thank you so much. My life has gotten significantly better since this game has come out.
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♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#eldenring #fromsoftware #animation
am i crazy to think??? that this is incredibly stupid?? since making this video, i've seen it happen on my tiktok fyp on 20 different sounds
other stuff:
♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#EPIK #photoediting #epikapp #freephotoeditor #animation
i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys i love five nights at freddys
#fnaf #fivenightsatfreddys #meme
unsubscribe me now, this is gonna be the only thing i make animations about for the next 10 videos. i love five nights at freddys.
other stuff:
♢ TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/squizxy
♢ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/squizxy
♢ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/squiz.xy/
#fnaf #fivenightsatfreddys #meme
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