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Snuff Puppets
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Snuff Puppets! Giant puppet spectacles. A collision of visual art, sculpture, music and physical theatre. Founded in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia in 1992, Snuff Puppets have created: ▪ 2000+ giant puppets ▪ 13 main-stage shows with 200+ performances ▪ 800+ roaming performances ▪ 50+ People’s Puppet Project workshops with 2500+ participants ▪ 25+ national tours across all Australian states ▪ 29 international tours to; Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, People's Republic of China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand & the United Kingdom ▪ Viral videos with millions of views on YouTube & social media ▪ Employed over 200 people as creators and performers, technicians and arts administrators 🙏 Snuff Puppets is supported by Creative Victoria, City of Maribyrnong, Crumpler and Snuff Lovers

Puppets entertainment Melbourne art performance art Footscray Australia culture theatre theater

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Snuff Puppets Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Snuff Puppets have?
Snuff Puppets has 577.0K subscribers. Snuff Puppets has had 348.1M total views.
How many views does Snuff Puppets get per video?
Snuff Puppets gets 5.4M views per episode on average. Snuff Puppets has published 64 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Snuff Puppets YouTube channel?
You can visit the Snuff Puppets YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Snuff Puppets mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Snuff Puppets belong to?
Snuff Puppets belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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