Sheldon Lee Cooper Ph.D., Sc.D. Senior theoretical physicist at The California Institute of Technology (Caltech). "I always listen to myself. It’s one of the great joys of my life." "People say you can’t live without love. I think oxygen is more important." As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As an eBay Partner, I may be compensated if you make a purchase.
Dr. Leslie Winkle, Ph.D., is an experimental physicist at the California Institute of Technology who works in the same laboratory as Leonard. She is essentially his female counterpart, equipped with the same black framed eyeglasses and zippered hoodies. She dates Leonard on-and-off, and later Howard. Because of her shallow and manipulative nature, she is arguably the central antagonist of the second season - although the only true hostility she ever displays is towards Sheldon.
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These moments showcase some of the most memorable betrayals, whether intentional or accidental, that created conflict and drama between the beloved characters.
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S01E08 - The Grasshopper Experiment
S01E12 - The Jerusalem Duality
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In The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper's antics have been a source of amusement for fans, but some have felt that he went too far on occasion.
This is a compilation of some of the best. Enjoy!
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S01E02 - The Big Bran Hypothesis
S02E07 - The Panty Piñata Polarization
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Leonard tries to hide from his friends that he's having a secret affair with Raj's sister, Priya. Sheldon gets involved and develops and elaborate overcomplicated convoluted cover story.
S04E06 - The Irish Pub Formulation
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Priya Koothrappali is Raj's younger sister. In season 4 she is passing through California and resumes relations with Leonard. As their relationship continues, Priya asks Leonard to sever ties with his ex Penny. Priya refused to tell her strict parents about her relationship with Leonard, preferring to wait for the right moment and leaving Leonard feeling Priya was ashamed of him.
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Watch The Big Bang Theory being shot in front of a live audience.
Season 4 Extras.
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Enjoy the best of Raj selective mutism, which does not allow him to talk to women outside of his family unless he is under the influence of alcohol (or medication) - Season 2.
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The Big Bang Theory Season 2
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Enjoy the best of Raj selective mutism, which does not allow him to talk to women outside of his family unless he is under the influence of alcohol (or medication) - Season 1.
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Sheldon is conflicted by Leonard's decision to attend his arch enemy's (Wil Wheaton) party.
S05E05 - The Russian Rocket Reaction
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Howard accidentally gets the Mars rover stuck in a ditch while trying to impress Dr. Stephanie Barnett, who finds herself more interested in Leonard than Howard and dates Leonard instead.
S02E08 – The Lizard-Spock Expansion
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