Welcome to my channel! You will find lots of vintage coaster footage as well as some newer POVs, trips and MASSIVLOGS! Please subscribe if you like what you see on here.
This video shows some of the many rides that were ridden during a 2011 trip to Florida. Parks shown in this video are Busch Gardens Tampa, Universal Studios Orlando, Fun Spot Kissimmee and Islands of Adventure. Recorded with a Sony HDR-CX130, the slow motion feature on the camera doesn't record in higher resolution so the quality isn't the best. Rendered in 60fps and in HDR for a more vivid and smoother playback.
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While waiting for my very old lava lamp to stat doing the typical lava bubble thing that lava lamps do, I was welcome by this fantastic image; the lava giving me the bird.
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Take a look at some of the rides that were operating at the 2012 Ohio State Fair in Columbus, Ohio. This video was recorded with a Sony HDR-CX130 which has a slow motion option. While the quality at which it records in that mode isn't the best, it does provide smoother playback frame-rate wise. Rendered in 60fps for a smoother playback.
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In January of 2004, I was invited by the marketing folks at Cedar Point for an off-season tour. This was something of a tradition for a few years. I have other videos on this channel from those previous tours. Special thanks to Cedar Point for inviting me on those tours.
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Take a quick look at what it's like to walk on the glass floor of the 634 meter Tokyo Skytree.
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This clip was taken from the nineteen part vlog series "Coasting In Japan 2024" which can be found on this channel. Check it out!
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This video shows some off-ride that I recorded the day that my friend (Jeff Johnson) and I visited Hersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania. This includes footage of Roller Soaker, the water coaster that was closed and removed from the park in 2012. All the footage in this video was recorded exactly twenty years prior to the day that it was released on YouTube. Rendered in 60fps for a smoother playback. If you like what you see on this channel, please SUBSCRIBE!
We were surprised to see a robot server at the Big Boy right outside of Fuji Q Highland park in Japan. This was the first time any of us have had a non-human waiter. To see the full version of these clips, please watch the Coasting In Japan 2024 series, found on this channel. Special thanks to Vincent @CivilianSatellite for calling the robot.
Special shout out to Michael,, member of the "Family Coaster" tier of membership!
While spending a day on Miyajima Island in Japan, Vincent ( @CivilianSatellite ) points out just effect the parking in Japan can be.
Music is a selection from Tesseract's "War of Being." Check 'em out!
Special shout out to Michael,, member of the "Family Coaster" tier of membership!
Please check out my Coasting In Japan 2024 series for a long form look at my travels in Japan.
You can start the journey by clicking the playlist link here:
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While spending a day on Miyajima Island in Japan, Vincent (@CivilianSatellite) and a tame deer have a bowing session.
Special shout out to Michael,, member of the "Family Coaster" tier of membership!
Please check out my Coasting In Japan 2024 series for a long form look at my travels in Japan.
You can start the journey by clicking the playlist link here:
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This off-ride video was recorded at Wonderland Amusement Park in Amarillo, Texas during an event with the American Coaster Enthusiasts in May of 2004. The coaster, manufactured by O.D. Hopkins and designed by park staff, the coaster has had a couple changes to it during its run. The main one being the addition of the only steel coaster trains manufactured by PTC. The design for the ride was drawn on a napkin and the business deal for the coaster was finished on a handshake.
Special shout out to Michael,, member of the "Family Coaster" tier of membership!
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