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Scott's Marble Runs
  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Scott's Marble Runs is all about building the biggest and most epic marble runs. The channel came to life on a rainy day in 2012 when two bored brothers decided to build a few small marble runs using some old kit they found under the stairs. These became Marble Run (#1), (#2) and (#3) respectively. What started off as a casual hobby has now become one of the biggest marble-run-dedicated channels on YouTube! The kit we use in most of our videos is called "Skyrail" and is manufactured by Italian company Quercetti. If you'd like to purchase a set for yourself, please support this channel and use our affiliate links to Amazon! BUY SKYRAIL OTTOVOLANTE ➤ BUY SKYRAIL ROLLER COASTER ➤ BUY SKYRAIL SUSPENSION BASIC ➤ SOCIALS (@scottadamsmith001) INSTAGRAM ➤ FACEBOOK ➤ Scott's Marble Runs was formerly known as ScottAdamSmith001.

Awesome cool epic amazing fun quercetti skyrail suspension marble run

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Recent uploads from Scott's Marble Runs

Short marble run
5 November 2022
Marble Leap
5 April 2022
Big Marble Run
16 April 2020
100 Loop Marble Run
15 October 2019
Steel Ball Roller Coaster
14 October 2018
Bush Marble Run
2 September 2018
Marble Run with Underwater Elevators!
5 August 2018
Super Looping Marble Run
26 February 2018
Enormous Marble Run
13 February 2018
Skyrail Suspension Labyrinth
30 January 2018

Scott's Marble Runs Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Scott's Marble Runs have?
Scott's Marble Runs has 153.0K subscribers. Scott's Marble Runs has had 96.2M total views.
How many views does Scott's Marble Runs get per video?
Scott's Marble Runs gets 1.3M views per episode on average. Scott's Marble Runs has published 75 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Scott's Marble Runs YouTube channel?
You can visit the Scott's Marble Runs YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Scott's Marble Runs mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Scott's Marble Runs belong to?
Scott's Marble Runs belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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