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Sandy Hook Promise
  • Category: Nonprofits and Activism
  • Country: United States

Sandy Hook Promise was founded in January 2013, in the aftermath of the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary that claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six educators. Sandy Hook Promise turned tragedy into transformation to prevent violence in schools through educational programs and policy advocacy. The mission of Sandy Hook Promise is to educate and empower youth and adults to prevent violence in schools, homes, and communities. Through our proven, evidence-informed Know the Signs programs and sensible, bipartisan school and gun safety legislation, we teach young people and adults to recognize, intervene, and get help for individuals who may be socially isolated and/or at risk of hurting themselves or others. Learn more: #SandyHookPromise #ProtectOurKids #EndGunViolence

school safety gun violence prevention

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Sandy Hook Promise Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Sandy Hook Promise have?
Sandy Hook Promise has 77.5K subscribers. Sandy Hook Promise has had 32.0M total views.
How many views does Sandy Hook Promise get per video?
Sandy Hook Promise gets 156.6K views per episode on average. Sandy Hook Promise has published 204 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Sandy Hook Promise YouTube channel?
You can visit the Sandy Hook Promise YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Sandy Hook Promise mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Sandy Hook Promise belong to?
Sandy Hook Promise belongs to the Nonprofits and Activism category, and the creators are from United States.

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