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Flying low over a farm is a sight to behold
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The goliath grouper, also called the gigantic grouper is one of the largest bony fishes in the Atlantic Ocean. They are plentiful in the waters around Mexico and South America. They can reach an astounding 2.5m (8 feet) and 363kg (800lbs). They inhabit coral reefs, rocky shoals and manmade wrecks.
The goliath grouper can reach an age of 37 years in the wild.
This young scuba diver was pending some time with a green turtle, recording it as it settled down for a nap in the sand. She sank slowly to the bottom and remained almost motionless, leaving the turtle with no reason to fear her presence. Remaining still and quiet, she attracted the attention of this grouper who drifted over to see what she was doing. Intelligent fish, groupers are naturally curious about anything that does not represent a threat. It seemed inquisitive about her camera and about her interest in the turtle.
Over the next ten minutes, the grouper swam off and returned, seemingly unable to take it's eyes off Serena and the turtle.
This curious interaction took place in Mexico, near Playa del Carmen.
Source & embed code: https://web7.rumble.com/v6is93m-curious-goliath-grouper-supervises-scuba-diver-filming-sea-turtle.html
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Canada Day is a big celebration for those fortunate enough to live in this beautiful country. It marks the day in 1867 when three dominions joined to form the country. Here in Canada, our pride runs deep. We are a culture that embraces the individual and celebrates all that make us unique, free, and safe. We have a vast wilderness, valuable resources, and unlimited beauty and splendour.
In Hastings, Ontario, fireworks lit the night sky as people from all around gathered to share their joy and their appreciation. This drone takes us into the heart of the fireworks, providing a wonderful perspective and a close-up view.
Source & embed code: https://web18.rumble.com/v6hozqd-fly-into-the-heart-of-the-fireworks-at-canada-day-celebration.html
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Welcome to our channel!
My husband (Ozy) and I (Lisa) are excited to start this channel. We love these blind boxes and are ecstatic to share the unboxing with you.
Please let us know if you have a suggestion or a blind box set you would like to see us open!
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v6igcya-unboxing-dimoo-weaving-wonders-set.html
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This spiny lobster has found an unusual, but perfect place to hide from predators. Unlike Atlantic lobsters, spiny lobsters lack claws for defence. They also have very long antennae, which they use to sense animals and objects around them.
The barrel sponge that is providing shelter here is actually an animal. Sponges are among the longest-living animals on earth. The oldest known sponge lived for almost 2500 years. They are stationary filter feeders that draw in water, ingesting the nutrients and expelling water and waste.
Spiny lobsters are opportunistic feeders, cleaning up carrion and other debris on the ocean floor. They also eat crustaceans, mollusks, sea urchins, worms, and vegetable matter.
Colourful and fascinating, spiny lobsters are a delight for scuba divers to observe.
Source & embed code: https://web7.rumble.com/v6fopvp-lobster-in-mexico-finds-a-barrel-sponge-is-a-perfect-place-to-hide.html
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Galapagos Tortoises are among the most iconic animals in the world. Extremely rare, they exist naturally only on the Galapagos Islands, a province of Ecuador. Of the original 15 species of giant tortoise discovered, only 15 remain and most are critically endangered. They live longer than any other vertebrate and can store enough water to survive for up to a year without eating or drinking.
The Galapagos Islands were made famous when Charles Darwin visited in 1835 and studied the animals and birds, finding that they had uniquely adapted to life on each island. Their isolation led to physical changes in a species that allowed them to thrive under different conditions. It was this adaptation that inspired and shaped Darwin's theory of evolution that changed the way we looked at the world and at ourselves.
A giant tortoise stopped traffic briefly as residents respectfully yielded the right of way to this ancient beast who had been roaming these islands since before they were first settled and developed. It has seen the construction of these roads where there was once vegetation. It has seen the beginning of motorized vehicles on the island and the construction of the houses. It is only right that this old fellow be given the time it takes to get across the road.
This giant tortoise weighs over 500lbs and measures roughly five feet across. He could be as old as 200 years. They are believed to live to well over 150 years of age and it is possible that some of the giants we see today were actually alive at the time of Darwin's famous visit to the islands. This big tortoise will spend the majority of his day grazing on almost any ground vegetation that grows here, as well as low hanging leaves. Ancient and majestic, they move slowly, but with determination.
Darwin saw that the tortoises on the islands shared many characteristics, yet displayed key differences. He theorized that they had been descended from the same species found on the mainland and other continents, but that they had changed over time to survive. The Galapagos Tortoises had developed a large indentation in their shell that allows them to stretch their long necks to reach higher vegetation, a critical adaptation for life in this hostile, yet beautiful environment where food is scarce during dry seasons.
Darwin found similar adaptations in finches that made the birds on each island unique from each other, despite being the same species. All of this pointed to the conclusion that animals underwent a process of physical change over generations that made them unique from one island to another. They key to this discovery was the isolation. The islands had formed from volcanic eruptions, some of which as recently as 700,000 years ago. The animals had no way to migrate the great distance between islands. They are believed to have arrived by floating rafts of vegetation moved by the varied and powerful currents that converge around the Galapagos Islands. Descended from the same species, yet different from their relatives on the neighboring islands, evolution was the only explanation. It was this discovery that led us to the understanding that we are descended from primates. Without Darwin's research, we had no understanding of our own origins. It was this research that changed the world in many ways.
Darwin's research also led to the understanding that the Galapagos Islands hold many keys to our understanding of the world. Islands shifting on tectonic plates, like an enormous conveyor belt, they are young in comparison to other islands. So close to the equator, they hold an enormously diverse collection of animals and plants that have much to teach us.
Many people have heard of the Galapagos Islands, and a lucky few have visited them. Seeing the Galapagos Tortoise is a significant and memorable experience for many who have been so fortunate.
Source & embed code: https://web7.rumble.com/v6fggps-gigantic-galapagos-tortoise-stops-traffic-on-santa-cruz-island.html
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Spotted eagle rays are beautiful stingrays with very distinctive heads and ornate markings. For any scuba diver or snorkeler, they are a treat to see in the ocean. Usually shy and reclusive, watching one close up is a rare sight. This eagle ray seemed to be unconcerned as it drifted close to a scuba diver perched on a rocky ledge, staying out of the current. The eagle ray slowed and turned to closely inspect him with great curiosity. Having a highly intelligent wild animal look into your eyes is something that can stir your soul.
Eagle rays use their electro sensory organs in their snout to detect crustaceans and mollusks buried beneath the sand. They inhale the animals and the sand and then expel the sand out through their gills. They are capable of crushing thick shells in their mouth in order to get at the creature within.
Eagle rays are highly intelligent, and occasionally curious about humans who approach slowly or who remain still when they swim close. The ocean is full of amazing and complex animals that we are only beginning to understand.
Source & embed code: https://web18.rumble.com/v6fb3ba-curious-spotted-eagle-ray-slows-to-make-eye-contact-with-scuba-diver.html
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The Galapagos Islands are home to many species of shark, including the largest shark, the whale shark. Whale sharks are massive creatures that can grow to a whopping 18m (57 feet), topping the scales at an estimated 44,000kg (100,000lbs). To see them in real life creates a sense of awe and wonder. They are giants, but they are truly gentle beasts, virtually incapable of harming a human. Scientists believe that the whale sharks come to the waters near Darwin Island in the Galapagos to give birth. Almost all are pregnant females. But exactly where they do this is a mystery. Very few baby whale sharks have ever been seen.
Another theory is that they come to these waters to be cleaned of remoras, a nuisance fish that attaches to large animals like the whale shark. Silky sharks and trevallies eat the remoras.
Three ocean currents collide in these waters, bringing an upwelling of nutrients from the deep ocean. This brings the larger fish and the apex predators like the Galapagos sharks and silky sharks. Although the water here is full of plankton and krill, the whale sharks are not here to feed. They are rarely seen with their mouths open as they swim around the island.
This whale shark casually cruised through this group of awe-stricken scuba divers, making them look small and insignificant. These giant sharks are truly magnificent.
Source & embed code: https://web18.rumble.com/v6ekjdy-whale-shark-casually-drifts-right-through-group-of-scuba-divers.html
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Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals on earth. They are often inquisitive when they see clumsy scuba divers in their domain. These divers were returning to the surface near Darwin Island when they were greeted by more than 50 dolphins that swam around them, passing closely and staring into their faces. The experience lasted several minutes. The dolphins clicked and squealed as if excited to see these guests.
Capable of swimming at nearly 30km/h (20mph) and leaping 9m (30 feet), they are truly the acrobats of the ocean. They are highly social and they communicate with complex sounds consisting of clicks, whistles, and other vocalizations.
Source & embed code: https://web18.rumble.com/v6ct39m-curious-dolphin-pod-surrounds-scuba-divers-as-they-surface-in-the-galapagos.html
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Dogs reaction to her spot being taken on the sofa with humans is Hilarious!
Cassie is a whippet cross Husky mix breed dog. She loves attention and cuddles, but when Bonzo starts to get the only spot between us, Cassie’s reaction is priceless!
Cassie is a rescue. She is very loving and has beautiful blue eyes. You can really see her husky side coming out in this Video. She never fails to make us laugh!
Source & embed code: https://web18.rumble.com/v6atcs1-dogs-reaction-to-her-spot-on-the-sofa-being-taken-is-hilarious.html
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