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Rottweiler Life
  • Category: Pets and Animals
  • Country: United States

- Rottweiler Life is the biggest and most famous Rottweiler Organization For Rottweiler Dog Breed on the internet was founded in 2008 By Ahmed Sobhy. - The Rottweiler has a muscular, massive, powerful body. The head is broad with a rounded forehead. The muzzle is well-developed. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. The wide nose is black. The lips are black and inside the mouth dark. The medium sized eyes are dark and almond-shaped. Some Rottweilers have been known to have blue eyes or one blue and one brown eye. This trait is not recognized in the show world and does not meet the breeds written standard. The ears are triangular, carried forward. The tail is customarily docked. Note: docking tails is illegal in most parts of Europe. Rear dewclaws are often removed. The chest is broad and deep. The coat is short, hard and thick. It is black with rust to mahogany markings on the cheeks and muzzle, paws and legs. A red color with brown markings also exists.

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Rottweiler Life has 2.6M subscribers. Rottweiler Life has had 931.6M total views.
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Rottweiler Life gets 917.8K views per episode on average. Rottweiler Life has published 1.0K videos.
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What categories does Rottweiler Life belong to?
Rottweiler Life belongs to the Pets and Animals category, and the creators are from United States.

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