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Rockstar Harley
  • Category: Sports
  • Country: United Kingdom

6 year old biker Harley! We share videos of Harley learning to ride! Harley started on a balance bike at just turned 1, then at 1.5years old he was riding a Revvi (electric balance bike). He learned to pedal when he turned 2... now he's 6 he's starting to learn some easy bike tricks and he loves showing them off to people! Want to get in touch?! Drop us an email: [email protected] CHANNEL MISSION: To help get more young riders out on bikes! 1. To share highlights and 'best bits' of Harleys learning to ride journey using 'Shorts' 2. To explain how we taught Harley and show how he progresses on his bikes with behind the scenes footage 3. To show what kit and bikes we really recommend for each type of riding - zero items used only due to sponsorship: we have bought these things, and will buy these, again irrelevant of any sponsorship given! Thank you for watching our videos!! Subscribe to our channel to keep up with this riding journey

cult juvenile 12 inch revvi 12 inch electric balance bike revvi electric bike uk bmx rider bmx mx race bmx stunt riding toddler baby biker

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learning to ride a balance bike transitioning to an electric balance bike learning to pedal bike tricks recommended biking gear behind the scenes of harley's riding journey

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How many subscribers does Rockstar Harley have?
Rockstar Harley has 2.2M subscribers. Rockstar Harley has had 1.5B total views.
How many views does Rockstar Harley get per video?
Rockstar Harley gets 1.5M views per episode on average. Rockstar Harley has published 961 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Rockstar Harley YouTube channel?
You can visit the Rockstar Harley YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Rockstar Harley mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Rockstar Harley belong to?
Rockstar Harley belongs to the Sports category, and the creators are from United Kingdom.

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