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  • Country: Australia

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Recent uploads from robelinda

๐Ÿ BOWLED! Hashim Amla beautifully castled by Reece Topley
13 February 2023
TEST CRICKET IS AWESOME!!!! 2000 England v West Indies 2nd test
14 June 2020
Amazing catch by Jeremy Coney vs Australia
24 December 2015
Richard Hadlee vs useless shit Aussie batsman, GREAT CATCH!
23 December 2015
Awesome cricket match ending, raining sixes vs Australia
3 July 2014
DRS ruins 1st test wicket, next over Clint McKay GETS IT!
2 March 2014
Craig McDermott's slower ball in-ducker
8 January 2014
The leg trap - David Gower's troubles vs Australia
30 December 2013
Michael Clarke sledges James Anderson- "Get ready for a broken fuckin arm"
24 November 2013
Hilarious commentary blunder in cricket! So embarrassing......
23 October 2013

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How many subscribers does robelinda have?
robelinda has 133.0K subscribers. robelinda has had 70.4M total views.
How many views does robelinda get per video?
robelinda gets 509.1K views per episode on average. robelinda has published 138 videos.
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You can visit the robelinda YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when robelinda mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does robelinda belong to?
robelinda belongs to the Sports category, and the creators are from Australia.

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