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  • Category: Gaming
  • Country: Australia

Mostly known as a former custom track recorder for Mario Kart Wii from October 2012 to October 2015. I started my MKWii journey in late 2010 when I became a member of the long forgotten Villain group, doing shenanigans in continental races as an "ftl hacker" with former friends I had made in said group. After that I started taking the game too seriously, and literally everything went down hill from there. I haven't interacted with anyone from the community in a long time, but I still boot up the game from time to time.. wondering where the hell the time has gone.

mariokartwii mario kart wii custom tracks tool assisted speedrun tas

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RemyInTheSky gets 150.6K views per episode on average. RemyInTheSky has published 390 videos.
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RemyInTheSky belongs to the Gaming category, and the creators are from Australia.

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