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  • Category: Entertainment
  • Country: Australia

Hi, I'm puzzLEGO, and I make LEGO replicas of real world mechanical objects to show you mechanical engineering in LEGO. Oh, and I also make LEGO animations sometimes. I haven't uploaded in a while, but watch this space (20/09/23) MY SECOND CHANNEL: Tags. puzzle lego, lego puzzle, lego, lego tutorial 25 subs: early 2019 50 subs: September 2019 100 subs: February 2020 250 subs: April 2020 500 subs: April 2020 1000 subs: May 2020 2500 subs: June 2020 5000 subs: July 2020 10,000 subs: November 2020 (among us videos starting going viral) 25,000 subs: November 2020 50,000 subs: December 2020 100,000 subs: 3rd October 2021 (WE DID IT) 250,000 subs: march 2023!!

lego puzzle box lego puzzle box puzzlego lego puzzle lego safe lego GBC lego tutorial easy lego builds

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How many subscribers does PuzzLEGO have?
PuzzLEGO has 271.0K subscribers. PuzzLEGO has had 63.3M total views.
How many views does PuzzLEGO get per video?
PuzzLEGO gets 331.4K views per episode on average. PuzzLEGO has published 191 videos.
How can I subscribe to the PuzzLEGO YouTube channel?
You can visit the PuzzLEGO YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when PuzzLEGO mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does PuzzLEGO belong to?
PuzzLEGO belongs to the Entertainment category, and the creators are from Australia.

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