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  • Category: Science and Technology
  • Country: United States

Hi Internet stranger! Welcome to my Channel! This is the start of hopefully a loooong career of entertaining make videos. Though this channel is still fairly new I have been on Youtube for a long time. My older channel is "Foam and tape" if you want to go check it out! Back on Track, This channel is more of a kickstart to where I want to be and what I want to do. For the longest period of time I've sat back and watched others make and grow their YT channels and communities. I know I have something to offer and honestly I'd love to be a part of the maker orientated part of YT. So feel free to subscribe and comment! (sharing the videos helps too!!) As of now I'm more focused on making good content rather than a fixed schedule of release dates. With that being said I try and make one a week give or take a day or two. Thanks for taking time to visit the "About" page! Follow me on Instagram: User: PeterSripol Also i'm on patreon!

Hack Build Maker DIY RC Make Craft Peter Sripol PeterSripol Aircraft

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How many subscribers does PeterSripol have?
PeterSripol has 2.3M subscribers. PeterSripol has had 422.2M total views.
How many views does PeterSripol get per video?
PeterSripol gets 2.3M views per episode on average. PeterSripol has published 180 videos.
How can I subscribe to the PeterSripol YouTube channel?
You can visit the PeterSripol YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when PeterSripol mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does PeterSripol belong to?
PeterSripol belongs to the Science and Technology category, and the creators are from United States.

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