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  • Category: Film and Animation
  • Country: United States

PES is the creator of some of the most widely viewed stop-motion films in history including Fresh Guacamole, Western Spaghetti, Submarine Sandwich, Game Over, Human Skateboard, KaBoom! and Roof Sex. His uncanny knack for transforming familiar objects through stop-motion animation has earned him global recognition and dozens of honors, including an Academy Award® nomination for Fresh Guacamole in 2013. (It is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.) PES has also directed over 75 commercials for major brands including Corona, Honda, Bacardi, Playstation, Samsung, Orange Telecom, and more. "PES puts a new spin on the familiar in a way that we haven't seen since Warhol worked in soup cans." -- David Levy, Directing Animation (Allworth Press). "Clicking on a PES film is to open a safe and suddenly see a million ideas glittering and exploding. The only reason you close the door is to re-open it just after and discover what will pop this time." -- Michel Gondry, Paste Magazine

stop motion cooking animation short film asmr oscar

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stop-motion animation behind-the-scenes processes object obsession oscar nominations commercials

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Recent uploads from PES

✨Signals✨ (a Button Collage)
26 January 2024
Current Object Obsession: BUTTONS (Behind the Scenes)
24 January 2024
Grilled Muscles
27 July 2023
That’s a Wrap!
17 February 2023
Het Klokhuis (End Titles) by PES
11 February 2023
Het Klokhuis (Main Titles) by PES
2 February 2023
Pandora’s Box
5 January 2023
WW3 in a Nutshell
15 December 2022
14 December 2022
Pumpkin Pie
23 November 2022

PES Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does PES have?
PES has 4.3M subscribers. PES has had 1.4B total views.
How many views does PES get per video?
PES gets 15.1M views per episode on average. PES has published 94 videos.
How can I subscribe to the PES YouTube channel?
You can visit the PES YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when PES mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does PES belong to?
PES belongs to the Film and Animation category, and the creators are from United States.

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