We are Paw Squadron and our mission is to rescue change the lives of all stray & abandoned animals and find them proper homes and loving families. If you do like our content and what we do, subscribe to our channel. And if you wish to donate to our animal rescue, you can do so via: ➡️ PayPal & Card: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=68UVR775K6MVG ➡️ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pawsquadron ➡️ YouTube JOIN: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxaNGRFsS06rPm5u5VPs_Ug/join ➡️ Stripe & Card: https://donate.stripe.com/9AQdUj1QG48Kb163cc ⭐️ Shop Amazon 👉 https://amzn.to/3Q4BQoE ➡️ Bank transfer: • Name: Paw Squadron • IBAN: BG17STSA93000028736131 • SWIFT: STSABGSF https://www.pawsquadron.com/ Or contact us via email at: [email protected]
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