He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts Ecclesiastes 3:11 Maranatha! Mālō e lelei! Talofa Lava! Friendly Island greetings! Welcome to Paula Moimoi Latu YouTube Channel 🇹🇴 Ko e 'Otua mo Tonga ko hotau tofi'a God and Tonga are our inheritance I'm a freelance livestream videographer from the Kingdom of Tonga and love sharing Tonga, Samoa and Pacific culture for the glory and honour of our soon coming LORD! I hope you're blessed by the videos and livestreams. You're most welcome to enjoy, share and subscribe to this channel & Tonga Vision on Facebook Mālō 'aupito Many thanks & 'Ofa atu Much love!
Lesson 6: God's Love of Justice
Moderator: Dr. Sunia Fukofuka
Panelists: Pastor Maveni Kaufononga & Pastor Phila Latu
Ouau Maumau, Kosi 'Ulu & Fakamalele 'oe Tapu 'i he Me'a Faka'eiki o Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
Funerary Hair Cutting, Remembrance Gifts & Celebratory End of Mourning of the Late Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
In the Gracious Presence of Her Royal Highness Princess 'Ofeina 'e he Langi Fakafanua, His Serene Highness Prince Kalaniuvalu Fotofili and Princess Marcella
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga District Australia, Sydney.
10th February, 2025.
Final Prayer Service In Loving Memory of Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
In the Gracious Presence of Her Royal Highness Princess 'Ofeina 'e he Langi Fakafanua, His Serene Highness Prince Kalaniuvalu Fotofili and Princess Marcella
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga District Australia, Sydney.
10th February, 2025.
Pongipongi Tapu Me'a Faka'eiki 'o Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
His Serene Highness Prince Kalaniuvalu Fotofili
Tu'u mo e Lau, Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga District Australia, Londonderry, Sydney.
10th February, 2025.
Ouau Faitoka 'o Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
Committal Service of Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
Pinegrove Memorial Park, Sydney, Australia.
8th February, 2025.
21st Birthday Celebration In Honour of Faith Sufali Falanitule Taulaga
Sydney, Australia. 7th February, 2025.
Ouau Failotu & Malanga 'o Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
Prayer & Funeral Services In Loving Memory of Rev Seluipepeli Matafonua Fotu Fotofili
Tu'u mo e Lau, Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga District Australia, Londonderry, Sydney.
8th February, 2025.
Ouau 'Apo Me'a Faka'eiki 'o Rev Matafonua Fotofili
Prayer Vigil In Loving Memory of Rev Matafonua Fotofili
Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga District Australia, Sydney.
7th February, 2025.
Fakataha 'a e 'Eiki Palemia 'o Tonga Hon. Dr 'Aisake Valu Eke mo e Kautaha 'Ongo'ongo mo e Tufaki Fakamatala
St George Building, Nuku'alofa, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga. 7th February, 2025.
Filmed by Broadcom 87.5FM Broadcasting
Holy Spirit Parish St Clair, Sydney, Australia. 6 February, 2025.
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