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  • Category: Pets and Animals
  • Country: United States

My name is Heiko Kiera and I'm a wildlife videographer with a special interest in portraying the behavior of reptiles, such as alligators and crocodiles. Snakes, in particular venomous snakes, are the most misunderstood and subsequently disliked creatures on our planet. I hope my video work will help many people to overcome their fear and hopefully change their preconception on these fascinating animals.

dangerous animals reptiles venomous snakes snake snakes venom poison poisonous snakes alligators crocodiles

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american alligator behavior predatory interactions in wildlife alligator mating and nesting hatching and maternal care in reptiles venomous snakes and their prey monitor lizards and their diet

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Recent uploads from ojatro

Alligator Mother Protecting Hatchlings 03
23 November 2018
Alligator Mother Protecting Hatchlings 02
21 November 2018
American Alligator Mating Season 01 Footage
19 November 2018
Alligator Mother Protecting Hatchlings 01
17 November 2018
Alligator Hatchlings And Catfish 01 Footage
15 November 2018
Rattlesnake Eats Alligator 01 Footage
13 November 2018
Rattlesnake Stalks Alligator Hatchlings 01
11 November 2018
Monitor Eats Dead Rat 01 Footage
9 November 2018
Jameson's Mamba Eats Birds 01 Footage
7 November 2018
Green Mamba Stalking Behavior 01 Footage
5 November 2018

ojatro Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does ojatro have?
ojatro has 1.3M subscribers. ojatro has had 978.4M total views.
How many views does ojatro get per video?
ojatro gets 827.2K views per episode on average. ojatro has published 1.2K videos.
How can I subscribe to the ojatro YouTube channel?
You can visit the ojatro YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when ojatro mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does ojatro belong to?
ojatro belongs to the Pets and Animals category, and the creators are from United States.

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