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  • Category: Comedy
  • Country: Australia

Based in Tasmania, OFF PLANET FILMS creates animated videos with an edgy cardboard twist! ***Although our videos have an animated style, most are not "made for children", but are intended for a mature audience of 15+ years of age. Our motto is: "If you can't laugh at something, it isn't worth taking seriously!" To keep up to date with our cardboard shenanigans, SUBSCRIBE NOW! To rummage through our scandalous past for something saucy to disturb your sleep, visit our website! #offplanetfilms

animation cardboard puppetry cartoon TomPriestley BillFlowers paper craft comic anime

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OFF PLANET FILMS Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does OFF PLANET FILMS have?
OFF PLANET FILMS has 56.3K subscribers. OFF PLANET FILMS has had 67.9M total views.
How many views does OFF PLANET FILMS get per video?
OFF PLANET FILMS gets 260.0K views per episode on average. OFF PLANET FILMS has published 261 videos.
How can I subscribe to the OFF PLANET FILMS YouTube channel?
You can visit the OFF PLANET FILMS YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when OFF PLANET FILMS mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does OFF PLANET FILMS belong to?
OFF PLANET FILMS belongs to the Comedy category, and the creators are from Australia.

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