Thanks for stopping by! Behind NurseryTracks are Nick and Jane Hall and our aim is to provide children everywhere with good quality entertainment and to stimulate their learning. We want to create a community where everyone is welcome to contribute ideas for what children want. The NurseryTracks website has lots of information about each of our videos including the lyrics and activities and you can follow our latest news on the NurseryTracks FaceBook page. Please subscribe and let us know what you think. We'll get right back to you.
The Story of the Three Little Pigs
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NurseryTracks is proud to present The Story of the Three Little Pigs. This is a truly original production with a completely new song written and performed by Nick that tells the story perfectly in a typically NurseryTracks manner. Funny, not too scary and a happy ending for all! Don't forget to look out for Philip the mouse's cameo appearances.
If you like NurseryTracks, please subscribe to our channel, follow us on Twitter, "like" our FaceBook page and join us on Google+.
Our website has the lyrics for each song, as well as FREE coloring pictures.
Copyright information: Words and music copyright Nick Hall. Arrangement Nick Hall.
Thanksgiving Animal Sounds
This Animal Sounds Song covers some more animal sounds for kids. There's a penguin, a camel, a turkey, a dolphin and many more. We've also put in a short pause before each animal is revealed to give the little ones chance to shout out the name of the animal. Enjoy.
Our website has the lyrics for each song, as well as FREE coloring pictures.
Copyright information: Words and music copyright Nick Hall. Arrangement Nick Hall.
Fish ABC | Alphabet of Fish | NurseryTracks
NurseryTracks has made a fish song with a different fish for each letter of the alphabet. We hope you enjoy it!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original song, words and music by Nick Hall
Butterfly ABC | Alphabet of Butterflies | NurseryTracks s
NurseryTracks has made a Butterfly song with a different butterfly for each letter of the alphabet. We hope you enjoy it!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original song, words and music by Nick Hall
A Sailor Went to Sea | ABC Song | NurseryTracks
This Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea and found an underwater alphabet. But can you all say your alphabet faster and faster? Have fun trying.
Here is the NurseryTracks version of the traditional nursery rhyme for kids “Little Miss Muffet”. Of course, because this is NurseryTracks Little Miss Muffet is NOT afraid of that spider and she invites him to come and play.
Have fun!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: Traditional nursery rhyme, additional words, music and arrangement by Nick Hall
Sister Susie sewing shirts | Tongue twisters | NurseryTracks
Tongue twisters like Sister Susie sewing shirts for all the sailors are always fun and good practice speaking English, too. Especially when you try to say them faster and faster.
Have fun!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original song words and music by Nick Hall
tongue twister - traditional
Whether the weather be cold | Tongue twisters | NurseryTracks
Tongue twisters like Whether the weather be hot or whether the weather be cold are always fun and good practice speaking English, too. Especially when you try to say them faster and faster.
Have fun!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original song words and music by Nick Hall
tongue twister - traditional
Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper | NurseryTracks
Tongue twisters like Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pepper are always fun and good practice speaking English, too. Especially when you try to say them faster and faster.
Have fun!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original song words and music by Nick Hall
tongue twister - traditional
Old MacDonald + more kids songs and nursery rhymes by NurseryTracks
Here’s a 45 minute compilation of some of our favourite NurseryTracks songs.
We hope you enjoy them!
If you like NurseryTracks’ videos please subscribe to our channel and give us a thumbs up. Thank you and enjoy!
Copyright information: original songs: words and music by Nick Hall
traditional songs, arrangement by Nick Hall
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