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Nainika Thanaya
  • Category: People and Blogs
  • Country: United States

This is Nainika and Thanaya (sisters). We like to dance and sing during free times at home. We have been learning and performing on our own with the help of our parents. So far we have had no external training. We live in NC, USA. Nainika is in 8th grade and Thanaya is in 6th grade. Both are AIG (Academically and Intellectually Gifted) and SSA (Single Subject Acceleration in Math) students. Choreography: Nainika & Dad Costumes: Mom Videography and Editing: Dad We do not earn much money from this channel as most of the content (music) is copyrighted. We hope you all like our videos and give valuable feedback. We do read all the comments! We also have other YouTube channels. You can find them in the channels tab. We do upload and post updates on other social platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Check the links on our home page banner. For more details visit our website: Thanks for visiting our channel. *This channel is maintained by parents.

Nainika thanaya dance performance tollywood bollywood nainikathanaya bollywood dance tollywood dance kollywood dance tamil dance

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Nainika Thanaya Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does Nainika Thanaya have?
Nainika Thanaya has 6.5M subscribers. Nainika Thanaya has had 3.2B total views.
How many views does Nainika Thanaya get per video?
Nainika Thanaya gets 6.5M views per episode on average. Nainika Thanaya has published 493 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Nainika Thanaya YouTube channel?
You can visit the Nainika Thanaya YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Nainika Thanaya mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Nainika Thanaya belong to?
Nainika Thanaya belongs to the People and Blogs category, and the creators are from United States.

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