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Mr. Inventor
  • Category: Science and Technology
  • Country: United States

Mr. Inventor - is the channel on which you will see the useful amazing homemade inventions that can very simple to do with their hands. Life hack, which may be useful to you in life. DIY - Do it yourself, this heading on our channel is translated as "do it yourself". Interesting ideas, how to make the right tool or invention of their own hands improvised. ✓ Simple inventions ✓ Interesting life hacks ✓ Homemade inventions ✓ Things by their own hands ✓ DIY

homemade inventions amazing homemade inventions useful how to make handmade do it yourself diy simple ideas life hacks

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How many subscribers does Mr. Inventor have?
Mr. Inventor has 927.0K subscribers. Mr. Inventor has had 376.3M total views.
How many views does Mr. Inventor get per video?
Mr. Inventor gets 961.8K views per episode on average. Mr. Inventor has published 397 videos.
How can I subscribe to the Mr. Inventor YouTube channel?
You can visit the Mr. Inventor YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when Mr. Inventor mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does Mr. Inventor belong to?
Mr. Inventor belongs to the Science and Technology category, and the creators are from United States.

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