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  • Category: Nonprofits and Activism
  • Country: United States

MoveOn is the largest independent, progressive, digitally-connected organizing group in the United States. Launched in 1998, MoveOn pioneered online organizing and advocacy techniques that have become standard in politics, nonprofits, and industry in the U.S. and worldwide. We combine rapid-response political campaigning with deep strategic analysis, rigorous data science and testing, and a culture of grassroots member listening and participation that allows us to consistently and quickly identify opportunities for progressive change–and mobilize millions of members to seize them. MoveOn members step up as leaders by using the MoveOn Petitions DIY organizing platform to create their own petitions and campaigns to drive social change. politics democrat progressives liberal MoveOn

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How many subscribers does MoveOn have?
MoveOn has 53.2K subscribers. MoveOn has had 47.5M total views.
How many views does MoveOn get per video?
MoveOn gets 29.2K views per episode on average. MoveOn has published 1.6K videos.
How can I subscribe to the MoveOn YouTube channel?
You can visit the MoveOn YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when MoveOn mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does MoveOn belong to?
MoveOn belongs to the Nonprofits and Activism category, and the creators are from United States.

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