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MLP songs
  • Category: Film and Animation
  • Country: Canada

This channel specialize on closed captioning the songs from My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic. If you're curious about the lyrics on a song, need help to understand what the song is about or have trouble understanding English, this is the channel for you. None of my videos are monetized, please do not contact me for any business offers.

My little pony Friendship is magic songs lyrics

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Recent uploads from MLP songs

Find the Purpose in Your Life [With Lyrics] - My Little pony Friendship is Magic Song
11 September 2016
A Changeling Can Change [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
25 August 2016
Derby Racers [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
7 August 2016
It's Gonna Work [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
13 June 2016
Can I Do It On My Own [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
5 June 2016
Hearth's Warming Eve Is Here Once Again (Reprise) [With Lyrics]
24 May 2016
Luna's Future [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
22 May 2016
Pinkie's present [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
21 May 2016
The Seeds of the Past [With Lyrics] - My Little pony Friendship is Magic Song
20 May 2016
Say Goodbye to the Holiday [With Lyrics] - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Song
19 May 2016

MLP songs Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does MLP songs have?
MLP songs has 641.0K subscribers. MLP songs has had 535.4M total views.
How many views does MLP songs get per video?
MLP songs gets 6.2M views per episode on average. MLP songs has published 86 videos.
How can I subscribe to the MLP songs YouTube channel?
You can visit the MLP songs YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when MLP songs mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does MLP songs belong to?
MLP songs belongs to the Film and Animation category, and the creators are from Canada.

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