Some guy's channel consisting of 90% "PG-13"-rated artwork compilations and 10% other stuff (i.e. gaming, thoughts on random stuff, etc.). Twitter Page: TikTok Account:
The title of the video is self-explanatory. As stated in the video, google “deviantart [username]” to find the artist’s DeviantArt page.
Of those featured, here are the artists that have available Patreon pages (at least those that I was able to find) to donate to if you like their artwork enough and in a financial position to do so:
[1] marcoscrot: Google “patreon marcoscrot” to find this user’s Patreon page.
[2] pigeon-in-love: N/A
[3] KalalArtist: Google “patreon kalalartist” to find this user’s Patreon page.
[4] MrStudMuffin: N/A
[5] KHOBRA1981: N/A
[6] hellbringer7: N/A
[7] GusJD: N/A
[1] Macodace: N/A
[2] Mitue: N/A
[3] BronyGamerLuna: N/A
[4] Vanica-the-Inflator: N/A
[5] TonyWelt: Google “patreon TonyWelt” to find this user’s Patreon page.
[6] TheOverloader: Google “patreon theoverloader” to find this user’s Patreon page.
Mai Shiranui:
[1] moai666: N/A
[2] ayaiken: N/A
[3] jdthunderhawk: N/A
[4] BlueSuperSonic: N/A
[5] MissMillia: N/A
[6] EcchSketchzz: N/A
[7] AntarXRigel: N/A
Links to my Twitter and TikTok:
Music Used:
Adult Swim – Programming Schedule
Final Fantasy 7 Remake – Aerith’s Theme
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl – Commander Theme
Fatal Fury 2 – Mai Shiranui’s Theme
Adult Swim – Sign Off (2014-2016)
The title of the video is self-explanatory. As stated in the video, google “deviantart [username]” to find the artist’s DeviantArt page.
Of those featured, here are the artists with available Patreon/Ko-Fi pages:
[1] TH3GADFLYINFLIGHT: Google “Ko-fi th3gadfly” to find user’s Ko-Fi page.
[2] JustDrawingJake: Google “Patreon JustDrawingJake” to find user’s Patreon page.
[3] yensh: Google “Patreon justsayyen” to find user’s Patreon page.
[4] DLeagueman: Google “Patreon DLeagueman” to find user’s Patreon page.
[5] SAF-404: Google “Patreon SAFartworks” to find user’s Patreon page.
[6] Kaos-Art-GX: Google “Patreon kaosart” to find user’s Patreon page.
Links to my Twitter and TikTok:
Music Used:
Adult Swim – Programming Schedule
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet – Gym Leader Battle
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet – AI Sada/Turo Battle
Adult Swim – Sign Off (2014-2016)
The title is self-explanatory.
All credit for the Chun-Li artwork in the video goes to the DeviantArt user Jay-Marvel.
The title is self-explanatory. The TikToker of interest is Quenlin Blackwell.
In regards to the infrequent uploads on this channel, this channel isn't dead It's just not a major priority for me as I am far too busy with IRL stuff to care that much about it anymore.
Just a video giving a channel update.
Music Used:
Adult Swim - Midnight Bump
Links to my Twitter and TikTok:
The following featured DeviantArt (DA) artists in this compilation have external pages outside of DeviantArt:
1. DA user kdtwifi (Twitter username: kdtwifi)
2. DA user FernalRed (Tumblr username: fernalredart)
3. DA user Cloud_DG (Twitter username: Cloud_D, Cloud_DGNSFW)
4. DA user ViviVooDeux (Twitter username: Vivivoovoo)
5. DA user Somegu (Patreon username: Somegu)
6. DA user Solfei (Patreon username: Solfei)
7. DA user DrawsPutin (Twitter username: DrawsPutin)
Music Used:
Adult Swim – Programming Schedule
Nelly – Hot In Here
Adult Swim – Sign off (2014-2016)
Links to my Twitter and TikTok:
The following featured DeviantArt (DA) artists in this compilation have Patreon pages. Google “patreon [username]” to find user’s Patreon page since I don’t want to risk getting a strike for posting a link to a site containing sexual content.:
1. DA user rankgo (Patreon username: Rankgo)
2. DA user Kawa-V (Patreon username: kawa_v)
3. DA user UltiBlackFire (Patreon username: Ultiblackfire)
Music Used:
Adult Swim – Programming Schedule
Team Rocket – Prepare for Trouble, Make It Double
Adult Swim – Sign off (2014-2016)
The title says it all. It's just another Smiling Friends meme that I thought was funny.
Audio Sources:
[1] Random news reports
[2] Jimmy Juice - Can I eat your ass [public interview]
The title is self-explanatory. Also, all credit for the Gardevoir pic goes to the DeviantArt user ComplexTree (Google "deviantart complextree" to find user's DA page.)
Music Used:
Adult Swim - Midnight Bump
This is just a video explaining why I haven't been uploading much and why a good chunk of the videos have disappeared from this channel.
Artwork in the thumbnail was made by DeviantArt User KHOBRA1981.
(Google "DeviantArt KHOBRA1981" to find the user's page.)
Music Used:
Adult Swim - Midnight Bump
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