Mighty Car Mods is an independent automotive series created by a couple of friends, Marty and Moog who started filming videos on Martys mum's driveway in 2007. They've come a long way since then but still have an unwavering focus to show their viewers fantastic automotive projects that they can do themselves at home. The MCM boys make cars, and they make movies. In fact they do it all, including the music, editing, and automotive with some help from their friends along the way. Being completely independent, the boys don't have to answer to anyone except their own creative spirit and their focus is on quality over quantity. It doesn't matter if you have a brand new turbo charged beast, or an old banger found in your grandfathers shed. Mighty Car Mods openly embraces anyone who wants to better themselves and their cars through involvement with the MCM Community.
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Just doing what I gotta do to ensure a safe vehicle for the roads 😎
#cressida #turbo #burnout #1jz #sleeper #meme #mightycarmods
Can Marty's new daily drive go head to head with Moog's? Today they find out in the ultimate battle of the daily drives!
Thank you to WSID for allowing us to use their facility for this challenge
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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mightycarmods
Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com
When your mates don't believe your "full weapon spec" Lancer is turbo'd so you take drastic measures 😤
New video on the YT Channel ✌️
We don't make the rules, but seems like Marty's lunch does 🥶
#mini #meme #reps #jdm #rays #mightycarmods
Everything you need to know if you've just got your first car. From service checks, tools, hints, tips and hacks, after watching this video you'll know everything you need to know to hit the road!
Download the PDF Check List Here: https://mightycarmods.com/pages/mighty-car-mods-used-car-checklist
Change Your Cabin Filter
How To Set Up Your Home Garage
How To Wash Your Car
How To Clean Car Interior
Colour Match Bumper Repair
Thank you for supporting this video:
Shannons: https://www.shannons.com.au
Quad Lock: https://www.quadlockcase.com.au/
Supercheap Auto / ToolPro: https://www.supercheapauto.com.au
Castrol: https://www.castrol.com/en_au/australia
Michelin: https://www.michelin.com.au
Ryobi: https://www.ryobi.com.au
BLK Motorsport: https://blkmotorsport.com
More Mighty Car Mods on other socials here:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mightycarmods
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mightycarmods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mightycarmods
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mightycarmods
Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com
Some people will say that this is sacrilege, but you have to remember that these Silvias were not worth much back then, especially a stat write-off one...
If you were given an S15 in this condition, what would you do to it?
#s15 #silvia #sr20 #ls1 #commodore #madmax #mightycarmods
Whether it's you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this video will take you through the 5 Levels of Home Car Workshop with everything you need to know to set yourself up an amazing space to save money, fix your car and learn along the way.
There is loads of MCM Merch available that can help you fit out your garage. You can check out some of the items we used here including zip ties, ear muffs, tape measure and fender covers.
MCM FENDER COVERS https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/fender-cover-2-pack
MCM ZIP TIES https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/mcm-cable-ties
MCM.EAR MUFFS https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/ear-muffs
MCM GLOVES https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/driveway-ninja-gloves
MCM. TAPE MEASURE https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/mcm-tape-measure-7m-25ft
MCM DUFFEL BAG https://mightycarmods.com/collections/accessories/products/chopped-duffel-bag
Thank you to:
Supercheap Auto
The Tool Kit we used on screen is available here
Impact Wrenches here: https://www.ryobi.com.au/power-tools/wrenches
More Mighty Car Mods on other socials here:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mightycarmods
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mightycarmods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mightycarmods
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mightycarmods
Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com
We rescued this Nissan 240z from Japan, brought it back to Australia and over a number of years made it the ultimate GT-R powered 240Z.
Thankyou to all the people and companies that helped make this massive build possible.
Turbo Yoda from, Allied Performance Projects
Import Monster
Techno Toy Tuning
Benny's Custom Works
Shannons Insurance
Supercheap Auto
Barrel Bros
Myles from Flux 3D
Castle Hill Performance
DNA AutoSport
MTQ Engine Solutions
Dahtone Racing
Platinum Racing Products
More Mighty Car Mods on other socials here:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mightycarmods
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mightycarmods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mightycarmods
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mightycarmods
Something to note around Mighty Car Mods: we are normal guys and are not trained mechanics. We like to make interesting car mods and show you how we've gone about it, but we can't promise that anything we show you will work for your particular car, or that you won't harm yourself, someone else, your car or your warranty doing it. Please be safe, be responsible and unless you know what you're doing, do not fool around with very serious machinery just because you've seen us make it look so easy. Talk to a qualified mechanic if you are in any doubt. Some of the products featured in this video may be supplied by sponsors. For a list of our current sponsors please go to mightycarmods.com
Did the VW Up! GTI conversion become a massive project that threw curveballs at us left, right & centre? Yes.
Would we have done anything different if we knew how hard it would be? Yes.
But was it completely worth it? Y E S !
#vwup #upgti #conversion #rare #volkswagen #mightycarmods
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