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michael jamison
  • Category: Pets and Animals
  • Country: South Africa

I am Michael Jamison, I have more or less 110animals about 16 dogs lots of cats and 2 tigers and a monkey daycare !My channel show how it is possible for humans to coexist with more than the usual amount of pets ,I hope that people can be inspired from it ,in order to guide what is possible in the field of saving animals and giving them permanent homes all over the world , most of the channel is about Enzo the tiger who is 12years old ,Diego is his friend and is 9 years old , I do not promote breeding of big cats , and keep them because they need to be somewhere and I have grown very fond of them and they of me , there is no wild in South Africa for tigers . Subscribe: For licensing and/or business-inquiries please contact: [email protected]

tiger pet animals cats dogs dog vlogs pet tiger tiger pet exotic pets

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animal care animal rescue coexistence with pets tiger companionship monkey daycare

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michael jamison Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does michael jamison have?
michael jamison has 1.1M subscribers. michael jamison has had 527.3M total views.
How many views does michael jamison get per video?
michael jamison gets 269.7K views per episode on average. michael jamison has published 2.0K videos.
How can I subscribe to the michael jamison YouTube channel?
You can visit the michael jamison YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when michael jamison mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does michael jamison belong to?
michael jamison belongs to the Pets and Animals category, and the creators are from South Africa.

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