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  • Category: Travel and Events
  • Country: United States

How To Videos, DIY, Tutorials, Product Reviews, Travels, Vlogs, Adventures, my VW Bus, and more! With most videos focused on helping people learn how to improve their videography or photography skills with various cameras, equipment, and accessories! I specialize in GoPro tutorials, Sony cameras, DJI Quadcopters, Apple iPhones, and more! I put subtitles on my videos because I am 90% deaf and I use sign language to communicate. I currently reside on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii with my wife and business partner Lori! Aloha! Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Facebook: Check out my other youtube channel all about scooters, my other passion: Tutorials, Tips, Mods, How-To/DIY Maintenance, Vlogs, and more! And check out my third and latest channel here -

gopro tips hero8 hawaii tutorial tricks micbergsma mitch bergsma scooter

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MicBergsma Frequently Asked Questions

How many subscribers does MicBergsma have?
MicBergsma has 588.0K subscribers. MicBergsma has had 156.6M total views.
How many views does MicBergsma get per video?
MicBergsma gets 63.8K views per episode on average. MicBergsma has published 2.5K videos.
How can I subscribe to the MicBergsma YouTube channel?
You can visit the MicBergsma YouTube channel by clicking here . To be notified when MicBergsma mentions your brand or keyword in their videos, please create an account .
What categories does MicBergsma belong to?
MicBergsma belongs to the Travel and Events category, and the creators are from United States.

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